Creeper x Reader

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I was walking along the beach when I met Chris. I looked at the beauty of the water, sloshing against the shore, and over my feet. The sun was bright, and the water was warm. The water felt good on my feet. I noticed a blurry green shape among the trees. I froze. What if it was a creeper? Creepers are dangerous. Creepers can walk up behind you and explode, killing you or either almost killing you. Creepers had killed my mother. Ever since I've become afraid of creepers. I pulled out my wooden sword. 

I walked away from the beach, heading back to my cabin. I could hear the rustling behind me. I turned around and saw nothing. I kept going. I heard the rustling again. I ignored it and went home. The next morning, the scent of smoke was in my nose. My house was burning! Outside, I heard the laughs of other players. Griefers. They came into my house, stealing everything. 

"Get out of here," I growled. 

"What are you going to do about it?" A griefer laughed. I gritted my teeth and charged. I landed a critical attack and slashed the griefer. Widening his eyes in surprise, he died and all of his stuff dropped. I picked up a diamond ax and tried to attack all the griefers. But they all outnumbered me. I had to run away. I at least got some better stuff. But now, I don't have a home. How could this have happened to me?

The next morning, I woke up and stared at the bright blue sky. The sun was shining again like it had done last time. I did the only thing I could think of. I ran back to the cabin. It was in ruins. Some things were left. I grabbed a stone pickaxe and some bread. I managed to find a diamond. I left the ruined cabin. I ran towards the beach and looked at the sunrise again. This time, there was a creeper standing in front of the sunrise. I widened my eyes and ran away. 

Chris POV

The player looked at me fearfully. I didn't get it. Why was she so scared of a player-oh wait I'm a creeper. I keep on forgetting that I'm a creeper, not a player anymore. I stared at the player, as she disappeared. I sighed and wished I was still human. I slowly walked away and into the darkness. The night is the best part of the day.  The moon shines brightly onto the water. I don't get why I used to sleep during the night when I could look at the beautiful moon instead of hiding from it. I spotted all the other mobs. Players think we creepers are mindlessly blowing up creatures. Creepers can feel grief, sadness, and anger too. I just wish that players would understand us. I don't want to hurt other players. I just want to be friends. But that almost got me killed once. I'm surprised that the player ran away. 


The creeper didn't chase me. I looked back. It was just standing there, looking at me. I heard a hissing from behind me. A giant spider lunged at me. It slashed its sharp pincers against my face. I tried to fight back, but I was caught by surprise. I pretended to be dead. The spider left. And when it was gone, I stood up but fell over again. I looked at my arm and saw that I was bleeding heavily. Pain shot through me. Could this be the end? Oh well. I guess I'm coming to join you, mom. When I woke up, I wasn't dead. I wasn't even in the forest! It was a little hut made from dirt and leaves. I was laying down on a hay bed. I was surrounded by TNT and plants. The creeper I had seen from yesterday entered the hut. 

"Oh, you've woke up," The creeper said. "How are you feeling?" 

"Better," I said. 

"Good," the creeper said. We just stayed silent for some time.

"So," I said. "What's your name?" 

"Chris," Chris said. "My name is Chris."

"Why did you help me?" I asked. "Aren't creepers supposed to explode other people?" Chris winced and shook his head. 

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