Always be here for you:Human!Warden x Reader

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                  This one-shot will be a platonic relationship. (By that I mean close friends)

 I was mining. Digging seemingly endless tunnels. I silently cheered as I found a diamond vein next to an emerald vein. I found an opening to a cave. This cave... was not like others. There was a tiny hut inside, and strange bluish blocks surrounding it. 

  "Is anybody home?" I asked. The strange blocks echoed my voice. I walked forward. An eerie shriek suddenly emits from a slightly stranger block. Shrieks echo the room. I take a step backward, stepping on one of those strange blocks that emit those weird shrieks. A loud, scary groan is heard. The ground gives away and I fall down a pit that's four blocks deep. I check my inventory for blocks or water, and find that I have none. I try mining out, but a shadow falls over my head. I look up. 

   "Who are you?" A man asks. He has two long horns protruding from his head. Both are blue and have vines growing on them. He wears a navy hoodie, the center being a cage with 3 souls trapped inside. However, this cage was simply a picture. He has burly arms, like one of a Warden mob's. He stands a literal 7 feet. He has white hair. 

  "Who are you?" The man asks again. 

  "My name is Y/n," I quietly say. The strange blocks echo my answer. He ignores this. 

  "Why are you here?" The strange blocks echo his question.

  "I found this cave on accident," I say. This time, the man's horns echo my answer. He nods and mines out a exit to the hole I quickly walk out and stand there. 

  "Please don't tell anyone else about this place," He says. I nod and exit the cave. I run once I'm out of sight all the way until the to the surface. I breathe in the crisp, dawn, air. I slowly walk towards the town I lived in. I go to the middle of my village and leave the resources I found in a chest for the village mayor. The mayor was named Felix Diamond. He wasn't exactly the nicest person, though. Anyways, I went inside my house and went up the stairs. I find my basic red bed and plop down. I fall asleep two minutes later. 

 Ring! Ring! I groan and wake up to the sun smugly shining into my face. I flop out of bed. Literally. A loud thump is heard when I hit the ground. I lose half a heart. I stand up and get dressed. I wore a yellow shirt with black jeans. I also tied my hair into a ponytail(If ya got short hair, just pretend you have long hair) and put on red sneakers with white laces. I gather my emeralds and a basket. I walk out of my house. Conversations fill the air as I make my way to the market. I stop by the farmer's market. Ben greets me with a smile. 

  "Hi there Y/n!" Ben greets. "We've got fresh potatoes, you want 32? They're only for 4 emeralds." I smile and nod, handing 4 of the shiny green stones to Ben. I went on my merry way, buying resources for the day, and finally arriving to my stall. I was a Cleric, a villager job that brews potions and uses magic. Players could also take these jobs if they wanted. Most players would usually go after a solitary life, adventuring and bragging about their greatest achievements. I was one to only stay in a village, just wishing for a peaceful life. 

   "POTIONS ARE SELLING HERE! I yelled. A few customers flocked over to my stall. I froze. One of my customers... looked strangely like that Warden. He still had his white hair, a navy hoodie with that cage with souls inside on it. His horns are smaller, and he's only 6 feet tall now. He catches my stare. He comes over.

  "Do you have any haste potions?" He asked. I immediately recognize this man. He would always come over and ask for haste potions. I quickly nod and give him a yellow potion. He drops 2 emeralds on my stall table. I sigh in relief. 

   "Hey there Y/n," A voice says. I look to my right and see my female player friend, Lora. 

  "Have you heard?" Lora asks. "That man you just gave the potion to is named 'Ward'(this name is not mine)is actually a Warden hybrid!" I nod. Lora continues the chatter about 'Ward'. Customers came in and out, buying potions. At sunset, I had two more potions left. I stared at the blueish-grayish liquid in the bottle labeled 'Swiftness'. The other was a swirling color of neon green. I gulped as I spotted Felix Diamond, coming over to me and Lora's stall. He comes over and purposefully knocks over both potions. I stare at the ruefully at the shattered glass bottles and the green and grayish liquid mixed, making a combination. I stepped in it and realized I got both effects, and they were enhanced. 

  "I think we just found a great way to sell potions more quickly, Lora!" I excitedly tell her. "We can combine potions!" Lora smiles and grabs two speed potions from her inventory, grabs a cauldron, and dumps the two into each other. A mini particle explosion happens as Lora picks the potions up, getting enhanced speed. We wave our goodbyes. That night I lay down onto my bed, thinking of a million possibilities that I could brew up. I eventually fall asleep. 

  "Wake up, Y/n!" Lora shouts into my ear. I squeak and jump out of bed. Oh, by the way Lora's my roommate. I land on the wooden floor. Again. I groan and get up. Lora is wearing a green hoodie, with blue jeans. She wore brown leather boots. Her glasses are perfectly placed on her hair. I still wore the clothes from yesterday. 

  "We have to make our potions, remember?" Lora says cheerfully. She runs out of my room. I brush my hair and run out the door, following Lora. When I find her, she's mixing a strength and turtle master potion together. A tiny particle explosion happens, and she's holding a grayish-pink potion. 

  "Look Y/n!" She squeals. "I made a potion of Strength Master! It gives you powerful strength and the effect of barely feeling damage!" I smile at Lora's excitement. She was extremely hyper anyways. She grabs a speed potion and mixes the two together. I smile and grab some nether-wart. I make Awkward Potions and add a Glistering Melon. I drop glow-stone dust in the mixture. A pinkish-magenta potion appears in my inventory. I grab a regeneration potions as well and mix the potions. I grin grows as I get a RegenerHeal Potion. 

  Two months later...

Business was booming! Lora and I became very rich. Ward joined us later, wanting some friends. I felt like giving him some cookies, so I walked over to Ward's cave-house thing. I'll just call it a cave. I walk down the stairs in the mines. I walk through the tunnel that led to Ward's home. I spot his cabin. As I step near Ward's cabin, I hear loud sobbing. I knock on his door. The door creaks open as I find, Ward, looking has emotionless as ever, but I could still notice tears in his eyes. 

  "What Y/n?" Ward says quietly. I hold out the cookies. 

  "I wanted to give you something," I said. "I heard you crying earlier. Are you okay?" Ward shakes his head sadly.

  "The mayor of your town wants me to stay away," Ward says. "They called me a monster." I hug him. 

  "You're not just a monster," I whisper. "You're my friend, that mayor is the true monster. I'll always be here for you." Ward melts into my touch and hugs back. 

  70000 years later...

   Ward's POV

 I stand before her grave. She died so long ago... I can't even count. Murdered. Slaughtered. Executed for saving the 'monster.' Friend betrayed her. Her friend just... turned her in. I'm a monster now. My body's made of sculk, and now I look like a true monster. I could still feel wet, warm, blood on my hands. I would look down, expecting to see my hands covered in blood. Her blood. I sit down. I sob uncontrollably. I had left that town for good. 

   "You said you'll always be here for me Y/n," Ward sobbed. "I'm sorry, I couldn't save you!" Long, haunting, cries were heard. The wind carried a poppy onto his head. 

  "And I never left you." A whispery voice answers. Ward stood up. He looked around wildly. 

  "I would never leave you Ward." There it goes again. 

                               "I'll always be here for you."

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