Skeleton x Wolf!Reader

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                    I hungrily look for animals. My pack has its noses in the air, also looking for new smells. We had been traveling for days in the hope of looking for food. I catch a whiff of chicken and bark. Our alpha, Spirit, also smelled the chicken and alerted the pack. 

"Chicken!" I shout. Everybody looks at me and smiles. We all rush towards to the smell and find bunch of chickens stuck in a fence. There were about 5 chickens. Our leader, Spirit ripped open the gate and rushed inside. A chorus of happy and excited barks filled the air. I pounced on a chicken and bit its neck. I savored the taste of meat on my tongue. I heard a human shout and looked up. My pack had left and were waiting for me at the edge of the forest. 

"Y/N!" Spirit shouted. "COME BACK!" I dropped the chicken and dashed out the gate, but the human caught me in his arms. I yelped and barked, trying to bite onto the arm of the player. I accidently bit into his iron armor, making my teeth sore. The human kept a strong grip on me and carried me into his home. 

"Y/N!" Spirit shouted. That was the last I saw of my pack. I hope they're okay. I was locked up in a glass cage later, made to fit my old home. I laid under the artificial tree and looked on as the player who captured me crafted a set of diamond armor. The player went outside without wearing his armor, holding a iron sword that glowed with purple light. I heard shrieks minutes later and stood up, ready to fight whoever was coming inside. A thin hand, made of bones opened the door. I stared at the skeleton. I started to bark wildly, pressing against the glass. The skeleton flinched and walked over to a black colored bed. The skeleton picked up a random axe and brought it down. The bed was completely destroyed, splinters flying everywhere. I flinched and watched what he did next. He broke open holes big enough for animals to come out of. The first wall he broke apparently had another skeleton inside. The skeletons hugged and freed animals like cows, sheep, chickens. They went down a staircase. Luckily, my cage was able to access all the floors in the cottage. I climbed down and saw the skeletons freeing more exotic animals like axolotls, parrots, turtles, tropical fish, and finally different wolves. The other wolves ignored the skeletons and joined the crowd of running animals, not caring if they were prey of predators to other animals. The aquatic animals were scooped up in buckets and were put in their inventories. The first skeleton spotted me and grabbed axe. I backed up as the skeleton smashed the glass. I ran out of the hole, staring at the skeleton. I came close and the skeleton looked at me in fear. Instead of attacking, I licked its leg, showing affection. We both share one last glance and I leave. I come back to my pack. Spirit spots me and barks. 

"Y/n!" Another wolf named Fern shouts. Fern runs over to me, licking my chin. I lick his back. The pack greets me with licks and barks. 

"We thought we'd never see you again!" Mirror says. "How are you free?" At that question I pause and hesitate. 

"A skeleton smashed the glass open," I reply. The pack looked at me as if I had grown a giant head next to my first one. 

"Yeah right!" another wolf named Fox yelled. "As if we're going to believe that load of lies!" Many others agreed. Fern looked at me worriedly. I yelp as I feel a rough paw push on my flank. I fell over face-first into a wet, gooey puddle of mud. I quickly and see Fox, the one who pushed me over. Fox pushes me over again. 

"Beta! Beta!" The others who laughed at me shout. I stand up, refusing to become the new beta. I lunge at Fox and pin him down and kick him. Fox growls and lunges at me too. I step sideways, letting him fall in the same puddle I fell on him. He gets up, and I let him join the crowd and glare at me. I made no expression, but on the inside I felt happy knowing that I won. 

"Wolves!" Spirit barks. Everybody's eyes avert towards Spirit. "We'll have to be moving again, so catch as much as meat for the journey." Spirit looks at Fox, Wild, and Fern. "You three, go gather meat". He looks at Fawn, Crow, and me. "You three go in a different group to hunt." We all nod and head off into the forest. Fawn and Crow point their noses into the air. I do the same. We smelled a herd of sheep, so we ran towards there. We killed three sheep, enough to feed the pack for 2 days. I hear the sound of wood breaking nearby. I look and see that same skeleton that freed me, fighting a player who held a stone sword, and no armor own. 

I growl and leap at the player, who was caught by surprise. I quickly threaten to bite them, scaring the player off. I turn back to the skeleton who kneels down and hugs me. I run off to the forest with Fawn and Crow. 

"What was that?" Crow asks me. I look into her blue eyes. 

"He saved me," I reply. "So I simply payed him back." We walk off into the sunrise, bringing the meat. 

2 years later...

Grave and I sat in the camp, chatting. After I had helped him with the player, he joined our camp. At first, we were all wary. But Grave ended up being really helpful and eventually gained the pack's trust. Spirit was dead. We found his body while he was sleeping. He probably died of old age. Fern became the new alpha. Grave and I hung out more, and eventually became the best of friends. 

"Hey Y/n," Grave said. I tilted my head. Grave's voice trembled slightly. "Uh..."

"Yes?" I say, waiting for an answer.

"Do you want to go on a date with me," Grave asks. I look at him surprised. I smile and nod. I cuddle up against him and fall asleep.

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