Golden Voyage:Piglin x Reader

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      Prepare for... Blood. Might include some triggers. Also I'm testing out having a male reader. Also pretend piglins don't turn into zombified ones in the OverWorld. 

Y/n's POV Age: 20

    I enter the hellish domain. I pull out my trusty diamond sword. I landed in the Soul Sand Valleys. Soul sand and soil float as islands or are connected to the lava ocean. The portal is standing near the edge of the land. I stood on an piece of land, connected to the Crimson forest. A loud shriek is heard as a fire ball, no make that five, slam into my portal, breaking it. I sigh in annoyance. Because of plot, the portal itself disappears. I look up. 

  "Thanks a lot, Plot!" I shout. (*Fourth wall breaks*)I walk angrily off to the Crimson Forest. I strap some golden leggings on. I met a few Piglins, who didn't seem to mind me much. I meet some hoglins, which I barely avoided. I met a strider. I didn't have the fishing rod or the saddle, so I had to ignore it. I put my sword back in my inventory and pulled out an iron ax instead. I slammed the sharp blade into a Crimson Stem. I continue this until I gather all the logs. Or stems. I turn them into planks and bridge over the lava lake. As I reach the other side, I found a small clearing. Giant Crimson Fungi grew around it, protecting me and my camp from hoglins. Piglins wouldn't be much of a problem. I place down a crafting bench I had made earlier. 

  "Well I suppose I could kill a few Hoglins...," I grumbled. I pick up my diamond sword as I hear... a scream? I run over to where the scream came from. A female piglin is clutching a book to her chest as a huge, bulky hoglin was cornering her. Without thinking, I rushed forward and stabbed the hoglin. It let out an angry roar as it charged towards me, tusks pointed forward. I jumped right before the hoglin rammed into me. I sliced at it with my sword again. The hoglin let out a loud moan as it fell down to the ground, evaporating into a cloud of dust. Two raw porkchops lay on the ground where it once stood. 

   "Thanks!" The female piglin said. She wore glasses with normal piglin attire. She also wore golden boots, shimmering with a purple hue. I nodded. She held out her.. hand? Hoof? Whatever.

   "Do you want to come back to our village?" She asked. "You should have a place to stay."

   "You know I'm a player right?" I told her. She giggled. Gosh that was cute. Wait what--

   "I know," She said. "Piglins always honor those who help them." I nod awkwardly and follow the female piglin back to her village. We reached a small island floating in the middle of a lava ocean, four crimson plank bridges connected to it. We walked over to the island. My eyes sparkled with wonder as I saw a cozy looking village. Piglin children were playing a game of tag. The female piglin and I were lead to a bastion. The bastion's blacks-stone walls were huge. We stepped inside. 

  "I never got your name," I said. She smiled.

  "My name is Gild," She answers. She points to a block of black-stone that has small shards of glow-stone and gold in it. "Like the Gilded Black-stone." 

  "That's a nice name," I complimented. Gild nods at the guards as they let her pass. The piglin brutes stare at me, glaring warily. One however seemed to be seething with anger. I tried to not show my fear. We walked into a magnificent golden throne room. The largest brute I've ever seen sat on the throne. I gulped. 

  "Welcome traveler," The brute said. "What brings you to our humble lands?"

  "I was looking for netherite," I said. "My portal was destroyed, and now I'm stuck." The brute nodded thoughtfully.

  "I am King Snout," The brute said. "King of this Crimson Forest. You are welcome to stay until you find a way back." I nodded thankfully. 

  "By the way," King Snout rumbled. "Where were you Gild?" Gild freezes up. 

  "I-I was exploring in the forest, when a hoglin attacked me," Gild admitted. "This player helped kill it." 

  "What is your name, human?" King Snout asked. 

  "My name is Y/n," I answered. I tried my best to stay brave. 

  "You may leave," King Snout said. Gild held my hand as we walked towards a huge library. Books were piled onto the shelves. I stared in awe. I was a really big fan of books. Gild walked up to a desk and sat down on a leather chair. 

  "You're the librarian?" I asked. She nods shyly. 

  "Is it okay if I borrow some books?" I ask politely. She nods again. I find the chapter book section. I pull out a book. Its name was Tales of the NetherWorld

  "Interesting," I mumbled to myself. I spend quite some time reading it. 

 Time skip cuz honestly I'm too lazy to write the rest

    "Y/n!" Gild whisper shouts in my ear. I wake up with a jolt. Gild is next to me, her hooves in her pocket. "We have to get out of here!" 

  "What's the big deal?" I ask nervously. 

  "Every time we meet a human, King Snout uses them as slaves or prisoners," Gild whispered. "I'm going to help you escape."

  "Why me?" I asked. Gild is shocked at my question. She looks down, red covering her face.

  "Because we're friends, right?" She squeaks. I smile and hug her. 

  "Because we're friends," I whisper. Gild pulls back and leads me through the hallways. At first, they were comforting, then now they were scary, looming hallways that made it seem like King Snout would jump out from a corner. We were met with a giant portal. Made from obsidian, the hard mineral formed in a ring. Purple magic glowed inside. As we were going to step inside a loud grunt was heard. I whipped around. 

  "The human is escaping!" A brute roared. Reinforcements appeared. I looked back. Gild was closing her eyes, preparing the portal. When she was done, I stepped in. I grabbed her hoof, but it was too late. Gild looked at me, terrified. I reached out but it. Was. Too. Late...

  "GILD!" I shouted as my vision started to blur. "I promise we'll see each other again!" She was gone as my vision went black. 

 Y/n's POV Age:22

     I took a deep breath as I found my portal. A huge army of players who had lost their loved ones in the Nether stood behind me. I stepped in. I appeared in that Crimson Forest. More players made their way into the hellish domain. We walked towards the village. Piglins spotted us and squealed as they fled. We all stormed towards King Snout's bastion palace. I opened the door, to see that... smug face of King Snout. 

  "Come here to save yer girl, eh?" He chuckled. I grit my teeth and gripped my netherite sword, enchanted with the most OP enhancements I could get my hands on. 

  "ATTACK!" I roared. A huge mass of players stormed in, sparing no single brute. I stood above the glass. I smashed it all as I made my way back. King Snout was flinging players left and right. I snuck behind him and shoved him into the lava. Down, down, down, down, down, and down he went. I ignored his cries for help as I rushed down into the dungeon. That's where I found Gild, in one of the darkest cells. 

 "Y/n!" Gild shouted happily. I unlocked all the cells and watched as broken families reunited. I hugged Gild. 

  "I said I would come back," I chuckled. "Did I not?" Gild burst out laughing. 

  "I love you so much," Gild murmured. My grin grows wider as Gild's face turns red. 

  "Did I just say that out loud?!" Gild squeaks. I laugh at her embarrassment.

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