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keigo's pov
'i'm going to bed!' enji called to me from the hallway.
'okay!' i yelled back.
clearing my throat, i kept my eyes stuck on the tv screen, only focused on what the characters in the show were doing and saying.

it was after 3 more episodes that i decided to go to sleep. yawning, i clicked off the tv and turned out all the lights before walking down the hallway and into enji and i's room. he was already asleep, and probably couldn't be woken up now. after living with enji for 2 years now i've come to realize he's a heavy sleeper, to my surprise. as a hero you'd think one would wake up at the creek of a floorboard 6 feet away. flipping up the comforter, i shimmied my way under to blissful warmth. usually it took a while for me to fall asleep, but not tonight for some reason. once my head hit the pillow, i was out.
glancing around the abandoned warehouse, i tried thinking about where i was. why did this place feel so familiar? have i been here before? i took a few steps,  feeling the crates and boxes. it suddenly came to me where i was. the place where we meet. what was i doing here? i heard a crash behind me and spun around, surprised to see the black haired villain emerge.
'you came.' he sounded surprised. 'i thought you'd told me to, what was it.. 'go to hell?'' he smirked.
'what do you want,' i furrowed my brows.
'what do i want? you came to me, remember? we had a deal. you kil-' another crash, this one larger. 'the hell was that.' dabi glared around the warehouse, taking a few steps back.
'who did you bring here?' his voice was a little panicked.
'what? nobody, i don't know who that is.'
dabi fled, darting behind a crate. i stared around the large space with narrowed eyes.
'you don't know?' i jumped at the voice behind me.
'enji? what am i doing here?' i took a step towards him.
'keep your distance you disgusting villain.'. his words made me freeze.
'what? villain? i'm not a villain-..'
'you were conspiring with one, who were you going to kill?' he yelled.
'nobody!' i put my hands up in surrender.
'liar! how could you, meet up with a villainous scum like him. you and him aren't so different i guess.' his bright blue eyes have never looked down on me colder than what they were right now.
i shook my head frantically.
''s not what you think..'
'why did i ever trust you.' he scoffed.
jumping awake, i lashed my head around in a panic, taking the room as much as i could. my heart was beating quickly and i was hyperventilating, gripping the sheets next to me and feeling a cold sweat run down my forehead, i knew i was having a panic attack.
i couldn't see, hear, or move. i was only focused on the words i'd heard in my nightmare and my heart beating so loudly in my ears you'd think it was outside of my chest. my stomach squeezed and i leaned over the bed and gagged, dry heaving. a dark shadow filled my vision, its hands on either side of my face. it took all i could to focus on who the person was, only for it to be enji. his face was in a panic, and his eyes filled with concern. i could see his mouth moving, but i couldn't hear anything. he pulled me to his chest, and his scent flooded my senses. i was still breathing quickly but my heart rate had gone down and i could hear a little better.
pushing off him some, i inhaled deeply and slowly exhaled.
'are you okay?' he whispered to me softly.
i shakily nodded, continuing to inhale and exhale.
'what happened?' he stroked the side of my face.
'no-thing, i'm okay.' i clenched my hands.
'bullshit, keigo, a minute ago you couldn't breathe. please tell me, i don't want to see you go through that ever again.' he grabbed my hand and held it firmly.
'nightmare,' i quickly inhaled deeply.
'do you want to talk about it?' his voice was soft and calming.
i shook my head and he nodded.
'can you go back to sleep?' i hesitated before nodding my head. he picked me up and carried me over to his side of the bed, setting me down and getting in next to me. i crawled over to him and clung, scared to face whatever was in my nightmare. enji wrapped his arms around me and whispered comforting things in my ear all the way until i fell asleep.

a/n: this took so long to write because we love writers block. also it was time i write some angst

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