really short

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really short chapter, a decent sized one will be tomorrow though

'enji i got you something for christmas.' i tapped his shoulder from behind the couch.
'oh? what is it?'
'you gotta close your eyes first,' i made sure his eyes were closed and walked in front of him with a bow on my head.
'alright, open them.'
he opened his eyes and stared at me.
'you got me for christmas, aren't you thankful?'
'did you come with a receipt, i'd like to return you.' he spoke with a deadpan voice.
'oh wow okay, i spent a lot of money on me.' i huffed and started to walk away. he grabbed me by my waist.
'i'm kidding, it's one of the best christmas gifts ever.' i grinned and threw my arms around his neck.

- endhawks oneshots -Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora