
714 19 2

double-shipping in this chapter because there needs to be new characters. if you dont like it well sorry

keigo's pov
it had been a couple years since i'd last seen my bird bud tokoyami, though i guessed now-a-days he was called tsukuyomi, an actual hero. i liked reminiscing on the week i spent with him and everything i taught him. the one thing i most questioned though was if he remembered what i taught. it wasn't much, but it was better than nothing.
rolling off of the couch in enji's office, i picked myself up and pestered enji until he stopped working and came with me to eat.
'why can't you ever let me work?' he complained as we started walking.
'because i can't wait for you to get up off your ass and spend time me,' i snarked, stepping on the cracks in the sidewalk.
'i shouldn't have to jump up the second you ask me to.'
'but you still do it,' i blinked.
enji looked like he was close to strangling me, with his quirk starting to fire up, pun intended, and smoke literally coming from the top of his head.
'why do i tolerate you.' he groaned into his hand, which he placed on his face.
'because you love me, now look we're close now.' i continued stepping on each crack, switching my feet every now and then.
once we made it to the restaurant of my choosing, we got a booth and waited.
'what is it here that you want, anyways?' enji read the menu.
'i don't know, it had good ratings on yelp.' i shrugged.
'well look at the menu in front of you,' he sighed.
- small time skip -
once our food came, i began eating immediately.
'you aren't eating?' i asked enji, covering my mouth with my hand.
'letting it cool first.' i nodded, when i noticed a figure in the corner of my eye. turning my head, i nearly choked on my noodles.
getting up and walking over to a nearby table, i greeted an old friend.
'tokoyami? that you?'
the bird-headed hero turned to me and had a short shocked expression before getting up and giving me a bro-hug (man idk what they're called).
'hawks-sensei, it's been so long, how are you?' he smacked his hand on my shoulder.
'damn kid you got strong- i'm well, hey, you're an official hero now, aren't you?' i coughed.
'yeah, graduated u.a and went off being a search and rescue hero, mainly working at dusk though.' he nodded.
'hey that's sick, how's dark shadow?'
'better, i've learned how to control him at night better.'
'good, good. hey, you know endeavor, right?'
'of course, who doesn't?' he shrugged.
'yeah you're right. anyways come here i wanna show you to him.' i guided tokoyami over to our table, where enji was looking at me like 'the fuck?'
'endeavor, this was my apprentice about a couple years ago,'
tokoyami held out his hand and enji shook it.
'pleasure to meet you,' he greeted gruffly.
'oh hey tokoyami, been meaning to ask. you got anyone special yet? or are you too busy focusing on hero work.' i elbowed his arm, raising my eyebrows a little.
tokoyami inhaled whilst nodding. 'yeah, he's in the bathroom though. should be getting back soon.'
he looked over to where the bathrooms were.
'a he, huh? well good on you tokoyami, i hope whoever he is makes you happy.'
'there he is.' tokoyami signaled me to come over and meet his partner. it was a fairly tall man with- 6 arms? damn. (this was probably expected. its an underrated ship imsorry)
'hawks-sensei, this is shouji, i think you've met but it's been a while.'
'hey, nice meeting you. six arms huh?'
shouji nodded, then explained his quirk in more detail. frankly i was pretty amazed.
'that's a cool quirk.' i decided not to ask about the mask he wore which covered most of his face.
'shoot, i better get out of your way and let you continue what you were doing. good seeing you tokoyami.' i waved them off and returned to my seat with enji.
'well then. your food is almost cold.'
'no bother.'

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