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enji's pov
i was awoken by the smell of something burning. getting up to investigate the cause, i was only greeted with keigo in an apron, which was never a good sign.
'hey! i decided to cook something today, y'know something different.' he chirped.
'we've been over this, you cannot cook to save your life.' i reminded him.
'yeah well, you always cook so i wanted to take some work off for you,' keigo shrugged.
'can i ask what it is?' i walked up behind him.
'isn't it obvious? they're pancakes.' he pointed to the black circles in the pan.
'oh. er, yeah no i can tell.' i made a hesitant face at keigo's 'pancakes'.
'well sit, they're almost done.' he blocked me off from the stove.
as much as i really did not want to eat whatever keigo made, he seemed excited to be doing something for me for once, so i was in a tough spot.
i silently groaned when keigo made his way to the table, black pucks on a plate.
he set them down and then proceeded to sit across from me, waiting on me to take the first one.
sliding a black disk to a plate, i drowned it in syrup and anything to make it taste kinda edible. raising a cut off bit to my mouth, i ate it slowly, trying my hardest not to look disgusted at the burnt flavour.
'it's really nice, good job.' i choked out, swallowing all i could.
keigo beamed, happy i liked them.
'good, but i'm full. i had a big dinner last night and so i can't really eat right now.' i made up an excuse.
'oh, alright, i'll save these for later then.' he began cleaning the table off.
'mmhm.' i went to the sink to rinse my mouth out.

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