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keigo's pov
it started out as a friendship 6 years ago, 2 heroes working side by side, same agency. but of course, not everything stayed the same. soon enough i began growing awkward around the larger man, stuttering and getting overly embarrassed at the smallest things i did in his sight. it pained me knowing how easily i fell, and i fell hard. endeavor always treated me like gum on the bottom of his shoe, harassing me, i was just never good enough for him. but something in him made me attached, tricking me into thinking i was in love.
none of this bothered me, due to the fact i couldn't see past my clouded vision of feelings, until a dull ache in my chest started. i didn't think much of
it, i had to've pulled something. but as the days went by, and my love for the hero increased and got stronger, as did the pain. it would feel like my chest was caving in, or a knife was piercing my heart over and over again. somedays i really thought 'this is it, the end.' but the end never came.
i started thinking unreasonable things. like the pain i was experiencing was my body's way of rejecting my feelings.
only about 2 months later, my love so severe i couldn't be in the same room as endeavor because i'd get too nervous, is when i started coughing. once again, i thought none of it until one cough ended with a petal. i stared at the light object in the palm of my hand, my fingertips lightly touching my chest. i swallowed, wondering how this could be, a person coughing up a petal? of a flower? i was about to inhale deeply, to elaborate all this, when i was bent over with harsh coughs. more petals. i took in a shuddering breath, dropping the petals in a panic. where were they coming from? how was this possible? rushing to my sink, i turned on the water and began drinking from the tap, something, anything to make this situation a little bit better.
the phone rang behind me, and i froze. turning the water off and going to the phone.
'takami, who's this.' i sounded sickly.
'hawks, it's me, endeavor. look, i got to talk to you. can we meet at the restaurant by my agency?' my mouth felt dry, even though i just drank, and i felt more stuff makes its way up my throat.
'yeah, mhm sure okay i need to go.' i hung up, grabbing the wall for support as i hacked up more flower petals. these ones were bloody. i worried about how i would hide these from endeavor, if i coughed while we were together, what would he say when he saw bloody petals? i ignored that thought for now, grabbing my coat and hurrying to where he wanted to meet.
'what did you wanna talk about?' i asked the flame hero as i slid into the booth across from him.
'first off, i'm sorry. i've been treating you like you're worthless to me and i'm only now realizing how much of an ass that makes me.' the ache in my chest dulled at the slightest with those words.
'you aren't worthless, i'm grateful for everything that you do and that you've done, and i know i'm not the best at apologizing but i'm trying, alright? so, i'm sorry. can i be forgiven?' endeavor looked at me with genuinely apologetic eyes. i stared at him with a bewildered expression on my face, but i slowly nodded, happy at his words but relieved the pain in my chest was going away.
'truth is i've been mean to you because i think i like you and i don't know how to deal with that,' he explained.
'it's okay.. even though you treated me like shit i guess you've learned, most people wouldn't forgive that easily but you don't know how much i've been begging you to say that.' i exhaled deeply.
'i really, really am sorry. it can't happen again.' he grabbed my hand and i nodded.

a/n it's been awhile since i did a long chapter-

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