Part 1 Play...

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I sat silently watching as others in my team plaid. They where fools all of them. But I knew without there help I would be just as foolish, I heard the door behind me open with a creak and steps begin towards me. the light above my table flickering on after two failed flashing attempts bringing an gentle electric Humm. For a moment I glanced up seeing the only source of light within the room that was white and not a haunting artificial yellow and orange. The window no larger then a record player letting in the small white almost grey light flood in across my face creating odd shadows on my board. The light was blocked out as The steps stopped as he stood his body in front of the window moving out the chair and taking it across from me. He looked me up and down a moment before he put a stack of four paper cups on the empty space of my board letting one drop and moving to the left to drop the next until each stood tall on the board in a perfect line each containing two pills. 

"What are they?" I asked 

"You're Vitamins" He says

"Know one else gets Eight" I told him

"Know one else needs eight" He answered 

"what are they for?" I asked 

"Never you mind" 

"Tell me" I warn "or I won't take them"

"Blue is motivation, Yellow is Keeping you thin, Green and Orange are your Vitals, Pink and Purple are your Female pills and the Red and White are your concentration" He explained 

"Know one else has the Pink and purple"

"Know one else is a girl" He says "Can't have your hormones butting you at a disadvantage. You're a chess player. No better or worse a mind then them. But your Womanly ways will hold you back"

"Like what?"

"You're Monthly's? Or your Hormones? or-"

"Or if I got pregnant"

"Can't afford to have you out for nine months." he says "The boys have a Light blue does the same as the Purple keeps there heads on the pieces and not on there Piece" He explained "So its just as fair"

"I rather think I have an advantage" I said

"Why do you think so princess?"

"I'd Argue its far easier to play chess without the burden of an Adams apple"

"Yes, But you'll get breasts so. Twice the Burden as the boys" he says "Take them," I nodded taking each cup and swallowing the pills with the glass of water to my side He smiled and Clicked the clock beside my board smiling at me "Play..." 

The American And The Russian (Benny Watts) [The Queens Gambit]Where stories live. Discover now