Part 37 All American A**

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I stood in the airport holding my bags watching for people coming and going from the various gates for the flights here, there and everywhere else. I was nervous, the further we went into the airport, I felt like I was being watched Like I was being tracked everywhere I went. But roger kept a firm grip on the sleeve of my coat as we went through the airport, when we got to the gate he flashed his badge at the air hostess and she nodded letting us on early giving us out seats at the very front of the plane with two other cia officers who had been following us sitting on the seats behind us, they were going to moscow for reasons unrelated to me, roger forcing me to sit by the window trapped between the plane and Roger. He sat down beside me reading a few papers of the things he needed to do, I pushed myself up from the seat

"Where are you going?" he asks

"For the powder room" I said
"Okay" He says getting up holding my wrist forcing me into the small plane bathroom locking the door behind him

"What are you doing?" I asked in fear

"I have my orders"

"You're not staying in here with me"
"I have my orders" he repeated I just stood and glared at him so he sighed and turned around facing the wall I sighed and did what I had to and as soon as I washed my hands he took my wrist forcing me back to the seat sitting back beside me, "I'm not to let you out of my sight till we land back on american soil"

"And if something happens?"

"You're well protracted Princess" He laughs moving his jacket to show his gun on his belt

"Please put that away..."

"Why? It's just for your safety"

"Is it loaded?"

"Of course"
"What if it goes off?"

"It won't"

"What if it does?"

"It Won't" He repeats getting it completely out and taking the bottom out revealing it was full of bullets there metallic shine glimmering in the lights of the bright sun through the window he put it back and clocked it pressing a little button "Safeties on, Baby proof" he says

"So there it absolutely no way that, this tiny button that I barely even noticed you touch could get disapbled while in your pocket though the various moment and things, as an example via terbutaline and you leaning against the arm rest causing the trigger to get activated making it fire a full round down into the floor of the aircraft, deafening me, you and likely half the people on the plane, and depending on what rounds you have in that thing it could go completely though causing the pressure to drop and the engines of the aircraft to struggle possibly even malfunction bringing down the plane into the sea I hope of possibly on one of the many places between New York and Moscow Killing everyone on the plane and possible hundreds maybe thousands more wherever we land?" I asked "Or that it goes off shooting me in the leg? And I can imagine Casak wouldn't like his prize daughter who was promised to be brought to him without harm suddenly has a bullet in the leg?" I suggest "Or it goes in yours leaving you to the mercy of your CIA supperiours as to why when on a mission to transport the russian to moscow you ended up with a CIA issued bullet from your own CIA Issued gun in your own All American Ass"

"Then what would you suggest?"

"Not a gun"

"Look princess, Every fucking hippie this side of Wyoming has tried parting me from Julliet. You think you will?" He smirked putting his gun back "Relax, The CIA wanted you dead, we would have done it by now" he says

"It wasn't you I was scared of"

"And that's why I need the gun" 

The American And The Russian (Benny Watts) [The Queens Gambit]Where stories live. Discover now