Part 21 The Way I feel when I'm With you

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I sat with benny for what felt lille hours, the little sun rising gleaming across from the little windows, though the frosted glass of the bedroom window and door letting the golden early sun shine onto our faces and bodies as we held each other tightly, tighter than ever like we never wanted to let go.

"Benny" I spoke up my voice croaky from my screams


"Can we talk about something?... not That" I asked him

"Okay, uuhhh..." he says thinking for a moment "Did you wanna hear what I dreamt about?"

"Sure" I laughed as we both moved a little so we could lay in bed together on our sides both out arms still wrapped around each other "let me guess? You where in Moscow at the world championship, you beat everyone but borgov" I laughed

"You're doing good" he nodded

"And then you beat him in like thirty moves and become world champion?"

"How do you know what I'm dreaming?"

"Because you always dream the same thing benny" I laughed

"Not always" He complained gently tickling my waist

"Ahhh benny stop it!" I complained pushing his hand away

"I don't always dream the same thing?"

"Ohh like when?"

"Like... the other night. I had a dream about some weird world where the ground was a chess board and lots of people wanted to beat me up"

"You've been reading alice in wonderland again haven't you benny?"

".... Maybe"

"That'll be why benny"

"Oohh... why does that book mess my head up so much?"

"I don't know, but it weirdly does"

"You wanna know what else happened in my dream? Before I was rather... Rudely awoken"


"It's okay," He smiled kissing my nose "I just have to remember not to let you go while I'm sleeping"


"Because when I'm cuddling you, You don't get nightmares. Any night I let you go you have them"

"They're not nightmares benny..."

"I know theyre not, But come on you wanna know?"

"Alright" I laughed

"Once he resigned and I had won," he began

"And where there soaking up the victory I presume" I laughed

"Yes I was, And you came through from where you were watching the game and..."


"And you came over, I picked you up in my arms and" he began before he pulled me closer and pressed his lips against my own. The kiss was full of passion and love, the sweet soft movement of our lips as we slowly kissed his thumb gently rubbing on my hip as we continued to kiss. Till he pulled back "And I did that, In moscow In Front of the whole world"

"That does sound like a nice dream benny" I smiled nuzzling into his neck

"Maybe It won't be a dream, One day"

"I hope not"

"Why not?"
"Because that means I'll be in Moscow"

"I know, Maybe someday we can go there just you and me, for a holiday or something? Visit your home?"

The American And The Russian (Benny Watts) [The Queens Gambit]Where stories live. Discover now