Part 18 News

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I stood beside benny often the two of us hitting the others hips, as we stood in front of his sink doing the dishes He was washing them and I was drying them off with the little tea towel listening to the gentle tunes playing though the radio, I moved a little as I dried one of the plates from dinner last night resting my head on his shoulder and in his cosy green shirt "hi" he smiled to me

"Zdravstvuyte" I smiled back

"Humm, your cute" he chuckles kissing my head

"And now we return to the news..." the radio began "police remain to be baffled by the disapperence of the Russian National y/n y/l/n, having last been seen by her security the evening after the U.S Chess championship at the Felxor Hotel. Rumors are beginning to fly around the county as to the reasons and possibilities. However the incident has begun to spark issues within the already tender subject of the US and Russia as both sides are searching desperately for answers -" it continued before Benny shut it off

"Don't worry yourself y/n, there not going to find you" he says

"Benny... what are we going to do?" I asked

"How so?"

"Am I just going to stay here in your apartment forever?"

"Not forever y/n, just till they stop worrying about you" he says kissing my head

"What if something happens?"

"What do you mean?"

"American and Russia weren't exactly thrilled with each other before this happened."

"What you think you and me having a secret snuggle is going to cause an international incident?" He laughs

"I'm simply saying... people jump to conclusions. It wouldn't take alot for someone in russia to jump to the idea that, I've been kidnapped or worse for what I know and wouldn't take long for them to assume the american government or military to be at fault. And similarly it wouldn't take long for americans to start to wonder if it was all a Russian distraction plan or I was a spy or get offended at the idea they had something to do with it..."


"Yes Benny?"

"Are you really scared that... this? Could be the thing that tips this over?"

"No. I'm worried it already has"

"So that's what they where doing other then chess and ballet with you?" He laughs


"You got very scary politics lessons" he laughs giving me a cuddle "y/n trust me. A week or two and it'll all blow over, nothing bad is going to happen, nothing bad is going to happen to you, we are not going to accidentally start world war three" he laughs kissing my head "just relax" he says turning the radio back on a different station "and listen to the nice music" 

The American And The Russian (Benny Watts) [The Queens Gambit]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant