Part 33 Sing For Me

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I sat trying to think about what I wanted to do. I took the tape looking at it carefully, the smell of blood radiating from it, I put it into the player unsure if I wanted to click the button. I sighed and clicked the button. Listening to the hissing of the white noise

"Benny, Say Hello To the princess" Casak's voice said

"... Hello Y/n" I heard Benny's voice he sounded strained and in pain "Y/n! Honey Bunny please listen-"

"Enough!" Casak yelled and I heard a loud bang obvious to me a classic casak right hook

"Aaahhhhhh!" Benny yelled, "Y/n! Y/n I love you! I love you! I'm so sorry! Please just go! Don't listen to any of them just ru- AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!" He screamed I heard the familiar sting of the machine, the electroshock machine that used to me attached to me for days on end,

"QUIET!" casak screamed

"AAHHHHHHHHH!!!" He screamed

"Tell her what I told you to tell her!"

"Okay!... Y/n. They want you to come back to Moscow on the first flight. Or else... Or else Casak will. He'll-" He said clearly crying

"Inache vash boyfrend vnezapno stanet dlya vas meneye polezen" Casak said "Sdelat' yego ... Meneye muzhchinoy"

"Y/n don't listen to him. Forget about me you know they'll never let me go"

"Shut up!" Casak yelled "If my little princess didn't like your pretty face so much I'd sew that damn mouth shut" he says "And so you know it's true princess"

"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!! STOP PLEASE!! Stop! Enough! Enough! Please!! AAAAHHHHHH!" Benny screamed

"Sing for me"


"Sing for me!"

"No! I won't"

"Now! Or I will make you watch as I rip out each and every one of your bones"



"No! I won't! I won't do it"


"AAAHHHHHH! AAAAAAAHHHHHH!! O, skazhi, ty vidish' v rannem svete rassveta

Chto my tak gordo privetstvovali v poslednem siyanii sumerek

CH'i shirokiye polosy i yarkiye zvezdy v opasnoy bor'be

Nad valami, kotoryye my nablyudali, tekli tak galantno?

I krasnyye bliki rakety, vzryvy bomb

Dokazal vsyu noch', chto nash flag vse yeshche tam

O, skazhi, eto zvezdnoye znamya yeshche mashet

O'er zemlya svobodnykh i dom khrabrykh!" Benny cried screaming in pain between words, and the recording stopped.

I sat for what felt like forever crying my tears falling like waterfalls down my cheeks and onto the table, I knew I couldn't return. If I did they would never ,let me go. But I couldn't stand knowing the horrific things they were doing to benny.

I sat fighting back my tears holding his ring close to me, and I made my decision.

My life is worth less than Benny's. I have spent my life locked away in the place and if it means they'll let him go, and he'll be safe, Then my suffering is worth it, even if that will mean I will never see him again.

The American And The Russian (Benny Watts) [The Queens Gambit]Where stories live. Discover now