Part 30 The Yellow Phone

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I sat listening to Roger tap his pen on the table as we looked over, pictures and other such things I had already had enough of talking with him when I jumped as the yellow phone on the table rang. Roger connected some things and pressed a recorder before picking up the phone and handing it to me. I looked at him confused but he offered it again, I took it moving it to my ear listening to the sounds of breathing there.

"Huuuummmm Moya printsessa" Casaks' voice spoke sending shivers down my spine but I didn't say a word "I know it's you, you hilt every second breath." he says

"What do you want?" I sighed

"I Want my princess to come home"

"I don't ever want to come home"

"Why not?"

"Because My home has never been Moscow"

"You're home is always here" he says "Where are you?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"Tell me where you are"

"I won't tell you anything!'

'wont you?" He smirked "tvoy malen'kiy paren' takoy zhe sil'nyy?"

"What are you talking about?"

".... Y/n..." a faint but familiar voice asked he sounded weak streaked with tears like every moment he was in pain


"Where is she!" Casak asked "Tell me where you left the princess Or else"

"Never!" Benny argued "Aaaaahhhhhh!!!! Y/n!" He screamed I didn't want to imagine the horrors that they would do to him, to think the terror I endured just to make me a chess player just to make me dance just to make me grow the way they wanted, they would be ten times harsher they corrected me but they sort to torcher Benny. I could hear his screams I could hear his tears

"Ty pomnish', malen'kaya printsessa?" Casak smiled "tvoya lyubimaya igrushka, malen'kaya printsessa"

"You'll kill him"

"No, It never killed you. Did it?"

"I had years of it to work up to it, your shock his brain" I warned "Leave him alone casak"

"Come home and I will"

"No you won't." I said

"You'll never let either of us go"

"I promise I will let him go if you come back"

"I will not come back" I said

"Kak khotite" he said back "ocherednoy raz"

I braced myself but still felt my tears as I listened once again "AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!! Noo no please, AHHHHHHHH!!" I heard his voice scream

before hanging up the phone

"Whining little bitch" Roger sighed to me, turning off the recorder and taking it away "Go to bed," he sighed, taking the player and leaving the door behind him.

I sighed and looked at the pictures putting the one from casak away from me as far as I could, I took the others humming my little tune as I knelt on the bed and pinned the photos taken of me and Benny through the windows onto the wall on the other side of my bed. I unpacked my bags a little but as I was "Lights out!" Someone yelled likely roger and my light went out leaving me in the darkness, I got into my nightie and into the bed.

I hated looking at this room. The yellow phone seemed to be all I could look at but I didn't want to look at it. I must have sat trying to sleep in this awful bed and all alone. I sat up grabbing the one good decent pillow, I dug around in my bag until I found benny's flowery robe slipping it around the pillow and laying my head on it feeling the fabric against me his strange dusty sweet scent still on it and now on my pillow, As I looked at the pretty pictures. I felt my tears quietly crying as I held the pillow closer.

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