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Before we begin, this chapter mentions eating disorders and self harm. Please please PLEASE do not read if it could trigger you. I love you all, messages are open❤️


"Okay Zac, before I check you over for anything, is there absolutely anything you would like to tell me about?" Elijah asked gently, leaned against the kitchen counter.

"No 'Lij." Zac responded, already kicking his shoes off and beginning to get undressed.

The boy who was usually attached to Peter at the hip stood in his boxers, turning around when Elijah asked him to and lowering the band of his boxers so Elijah could see his hips as asked. Elijah took a breath of relief as he realized nothing was wrong with the boy in front of him.

"Okay, go send Pete in." Elijah said after Zac had gotten dressed again and he had brought his younger brother into a tight hug.

Zac just threw a lopsided smile his way, walking into the living room. A few seconds later a slightly shaking Peter came in the room, avoiding eye contact heavily. Elijah tried to ignore the sinking feeling in his chest.

"Pete? You okay? Is there anything you want to tell me about before you get undressed?" The oldest asked softly, tilting peters face up with his pointer finger.

"I um... I just... I guess I just don't really feel comfortable with people seeing my body... I promise I haven't hurt myself or anything though 'Lij, I just know I don't look like Zac, and I don't want to be like the 'ugly twin' I guess, and-" Peter rambled.

"Peter, stop. Listen you are not ugly at all. Not even in comparison to Zac. And you really think I'm going to judge you based on what you look like? You're my brother, I love you no matter what. If that's what you're worried about, you don't need to be. I love you Pete. So much." Elijah said, hugging him.

Slowly Peter nodded and wiped a few tears that had fallen off of his cheeks. He got undressed with a little prompting from Elijah, arms wrapped tightly around his middle. With a little maneuvering, Elijah managed to make sure he was unscathed.

Once the boy was dressed again, Elijah pulled him into his arms, resting his chin on top of the fluffy hair. He gently rubbed circles on his back as he felt Peter gripping onto his shirt. Although he hated the circumstances it was in, he had to admit he loved the affection he was able to give the twin. He almost never got to hug or comfort them as much as he wanted to on account that they were always so wrapped in themselves.

"Pete, baby, would you consider seeing a counselor? I... I think you have a lot of self esteem issues, and I don't want them to manifest into something worse. We don't have to tell Zac about it, or any of the other boys if you don't want to. I just... I love you and I need to make sure I'm doing everything in my power to keep you safe and healthy." Elijah said gently.

"Yeah... okay. And, it's fine if they know. I love you, 'Lij." Peter mumbled into his chest.

The oldest smiled and grudgingly let him go, telling him to call stiles in.

When the energetic teen came bouncing in, Elijah couldn't hold back his smile. He hardly got to spend as much time with the kid as he wanted to due to the boy always hanging out with his best friend Scott, but he truly loved being around stiles. Not only was he a truly funny and full of life kid, but he reminded him of their mom. They were practically identical in personality and they had the same facial features, too. Elijah made a mental note to make an effort to hang out with the kid a little more.

"Okay stiles is there anything you need to-" Elijah began.

"I have a third nipple. Yep, I know, I should have told you sooner, I just couldn't bring myself to do it." Stiles cut him off, staring into his eyes.

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