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hey guys, it's me. i promise i haven't quit this story. the trial went well i guess, he's in jail now. which is weird because i know he's in jail but the nightmares keep coming back and sometimes everything is just a little too much. it's getting really hard not to self harm again, and not to begin making myself sick after meals again, and not to scrub at the skin he touched in the shower until it bleeds.

just wanted y'all to know i'm working on the next chapter now, hoping to have it out by tuesday or wednesday. i love you all very much.

please don't be mad it's taken this long, i do promise that i still love this book and writing, it's just the ringing in my head and the claustrophobia in my own skin makes it hard to do anything.

if you are mad though, i'll understand. you all have reason to be. i won't be upset if you're mad.

just, please, no more pms about me being lazy and unproductive and not caring about my readers anymore. they're getting really, really hard to ignore. so if i haven't responded to your pm yet, i promise i'm not ignoring u, it's just i don't enjoy looking in there a whole lot anymore.

i promise i'm trying.


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