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hey girly pops, guess who was in rehab🤩

so as you all know, i have been sexually assaulted in the past and my i went to court against my rapist

so, after everything happened when i was 14, i started getting a seriously bad addiction

i read that opioids could give you a high. my grandpa was very sick at the time (he has now sadly passed about two years ago, but he's not in pain anymore). point is i stole some of his oxycontin.

my family is more fortunate than most. we have money. i know that sounds bad but it's just the reality of my family. i started buying any opioids i could find, Valium, Oxy, Hydrocodone, Percs, anything.

February my family took me into rehab. I earned phone privileges at time, which i tried to respond to comments, etc during. but i didn't have time to update and that's why it hasn't been done.

so, i wanted to write a note and let u all know i'm not leaving this book, it is still very much in progress.

however, i am not going to write part two for Liar, Liar Pants on Fire. i just am not feeling that part in the book anymore.

i will leave the chapter up but will not be writing the second part to it.

please, please hear me when i say that drugs are not the answer in life. they have taken away so much in my life.

they made me a liar, and addict, and they've made me miss some of the best moments of my life.

they don't take away your pain, they only transfer it to people that you love. i wish i had never started them.

that being said, the sad fact is that i did start taking drugs. and i'm in recovery but i'm still an addict.

i'm getting the help i need, and i don't want anyone to be worried about me.

if you are going through something similar, please seek help. i know it's hard, scary, and it hurts. but i promise it is so worth it. sobriety is worth it. YOU are worth it.

i'll be updating this week, i promise by friday i'll have an update up.

thank you all so much for sticking with me.

also let me know if you're getting tired of these author notes, i want to know if you guys want me to update you all on my life or if you would rather i just put out book updates.

if ANYONE of you needs anything, please pm me.

i love each and every single one of you.

you are all beautiful.

you are all loved.

you are all worthy.

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