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Hey y'all this is short cause i just thought of it and wanted to write it, sorry! Getting back on requests ASAP!


"Damon will you start getting ready, I'm not going to ask again! If I come back up here one more time and you're not up and dressed you'll regret it." Elijah grumbled, walking out the door.

The eldest just didn't understand what was up with Damon this morning. They got in a little late last night from dinner, sure, but all the other boys were already up and practically ready.

Damon, on the other hand, felt like moving his body would make him vomit at any second. Of course, he wouldn't tell Elijah that. That would mean all his siblings would baby him and everything, plus he really wanted to go to the mall with everyone else today. So, although every part of his body was aching, he got up and dressed. He knew it wasn't hot or cold outside, but his body was freezing, so he pulled on a hoodie and sweatpants. After throwing on sneakers, he made his way down to the living room.

"Finally!" Stiles exclaimed, standing up from the couch while everyone else did the same.

"Not so fast," Elijah cut in, "Damon needs to eat something."

"I'm fine 'Lij, i'm not really hungry." Damon replied.

"You're going to have something in you before we leave this house Damon, you know that. What about a shake? You can drink it on the way." Dean suggested, knowing that some days the thought of chewing food made Damon nauseous.

Damon just nodded as he was handed a chocolate meal shake, and all the boys crowded into the car. The ride over to the mall didn't help Damon at all. His brothers made sure he drank the shake and the driving was making him nauseous. A headache began to grow as did the dull ache in his entire body.

Once they made it to the mall, all the younger boys began running around and shopping, the older boys following them with smiles on their faces. All of them that was, except for Damon. He just began feeling worse and worse. And the boys swamping him about clothes and shoes they wanted wasn't helping.

"Damon what about this?"

"Day do you think this'll look good on me?"

"Hey Damon what if I bought these?"

"Damon, come help me pick out a shirt!"

It all just became too much.

"Just shut up already!" Damon finally snapped when the boys were bombarding him about which pair of shoes looked the best.

"Damon!" Elijah gasped.

"Look I'm sorry, you guys just need to stop pestering me so much!" The sick and agitated boy sighed, his words having a mean edge.

Of course, he didn't mean it. He loved his brothers, and enjoyed seeing them so excited over this. But, everything just hurt.

"Okay I think the shopping trips over. Come on boys, buy your last things, Damon and I need to get home to have a talk." Elijah instructed.

All the boys quickly paid and headed out to the car, not wanting to get on Elijahs already upset nerves. The ride home only doubled the nausea growing in Damon's gut. Or maybe it was the fact that he knew he was getting his ass beat when he got home. Either way, or was extremely uncomfortable.

When Elijah pulled into the driveway and turned the car off he gripped Damon by the arm, not hard enough to hurt, but to make sure he didn't try to run. The rest of the boys scurried quickly inside, save for Dean who followed the eldest.

"Elijah are you sure about this? He's just a bit cranky, and we did get in late last night. Maybe you should just make him take a nap." Dean tried, not entirely sure Damon deserved to be spanked.

"I know Dean, I'm not going to spank him hard, and you know that. Just enough to make him aware he can't talk like that to his younger siblings, no matter how tired he is." Elijah reassured.

Dean still looked worried however, so Elijah sighed.

"Okay, come with us then. If you think i'm going overboard you can stop me."

Dean nodded, following them both up to Elijahs room. Dean stood in the corner as Elijah wordlessly bent Damon over his lap.

"You know what you did wrong, so i'm just going to start, okay? You have been disrespectful all day to me and your younger siblings. I asked you to get up multiple times this morning and you still didn't. Then your brothers were excited and trying to share that excitement with you and you just blew them off and hurt their feelings." Elijah said, spanking in between each word.

Damon was squirming now, trying to breathe in normally.

Elijah began to use more force, causing tears to fall from the black haired boys eyes.





"I'm sorry!" Damon cried out, beginning to sob.

"I bet you are." Elijah replied, continuing to assault his ass.

Damon didn't even know how long it had lasted at this point. All he knew was that between being upside down, his undeniable fever, the crying, and the fact that he wasn't breathing normally, he was going to throw up.

So he did something none of the boys had ever done, he safe worded.

"Red! Red!" Damon screamed out, choking the words out as quickly as he could.

Elijah immediately released him, confusion on his face. Damon had taken much harder punishments then that, they all had. And none of them had used the safe word.

When Damon bolted up and ran to the bathroom however, Elijah was even more shocked. Dean and Elijah both raced after their little brother, coming to a skidding stop once they saw him hurling over the toilet.

"Hey, hey it's okay bud. You're okay we got you, just let it out." Dean comforted, getting behind him and holding his hair out of his face. His other hand was splayed across Damon's chest, keeping him upright.

"You're okay Day, it's all gonna be okay. Just let it happen, we're right here. We're not going anywhere." Elijah said, rubbing a hand across his shaking back and holding his hand where it had begun to reach out for one of his older brothers.

They sat like that for five minutes, Damon throwing up while his two oldest brothers coaxed him through it before Damon finally decided he was done, going limp and falling back into Deans chest, who caught him quickly. Elijah quickly got a rag and wet it, running it over his brothers tear tracks and then his neck and mouth.

"I'm so sorry Day, I didn't know you were sick." Elijah apologized, running a hand through his hair.

"'S okay. Shoulda told ya." Damon mumbled out, resting his head against Deans shoulder, exhausted.

"How about we get you into bed?" Dean suggested, rubbing his back.

Damon just hummed in approval as Dean picked him up bridal style and carried him to the eldests bed. Once he was cocooned between Elijah and Dean, he snuggled into Elijahs chest as Dean hugged him from behind.

"Love you." He said tiredly, already slipping into sleep.

"We love you too buddy." The older boys chorused, smiling as they decided they had all deserved a mid-day nap.

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