4 - Taken + New pack member

Start from the beginning

I took a bath again and dress up... After that I was planning in going already to be early and wait for her but someone knock on the door then Trent suddenly burst in the door 'What is it?' I ask

'Father said that were having a emergency announcement...' he said


'It's grandfather who wants the announcement.' he added and I pause. Grandpa?!

I followed Trent to the meeting hall and thought what could be the emergency announcement and I really hope it won't take long, I can't afford to be late in our first date.

As we enter the meeting hall I notice that everyone is already there and I think the announcmeent already started.

'Let me introduce you to one of our family friend that is from now on will be a member of our Red Sky Pack.' grandfather said. A man and a girl on my age came out and walk in the stage... 'This is Carl Brown and her daughter Alisa Brown, from now own they will be one of our family so treat them nice.' grandfather added.

Everyone in the room applauded.

The announcent went long and I was itched to go out.... It's going to be one already and father told me to stay because after this they are going to introduce Trent and I to the Brown family since they are family friends.

'Shit I'm gonna be late.' I said

'Should I go and tell Summer?' Luke offer and I nod at him 'If its okay with you.' I said

'No Luke, let me.... They might need you here.' Lalaine said.

'Okay.. Thanks babe.' Luke said and kiss her in the forehead and she went out already.

Few minutes later I thought the announcement is already over but I saw Grandfather look at Carl then to Alisa, they both nodded 'Alisa's mate died few years ago and were thinking in mating her with Hunter, Alisa is a pure werewolf and I think it will make our pack more stronger so I hope we do our best to welcome them.' he said and that left me in shock and a sudden burst in anger.

What the fuck is he saying? Mate with that girl when I already had a mate, is he fucking with me right now?! The nerve! He's saying it as if I'm not here.

Everyone was quiet... some look at me with pity in their eyes... Some were against it, they didn't voice it out but I can see it in their eyes that they are against it. It looks like some of them already started to like Summer, Summer can be cold but she's nice to the pack members. She doesn't see it in herself but I do.. they do.  No one voice out their opinion they are too scared of my grandfather.

'Father...' my father said.

'Later son.' he said to my father.

The announcement was over and me and my family were the only one left... Grandfather told us to go to the main pack house, I followed them quietly. I'm to furius to say word and answer to their question that their throwing at me.. Fuck them!

Inside the house we sat at the living room... Our parents leave the two of us to have a chat and know each other more.

'Hi.' Alisa greet and I didn't look at her and I just sighed in frustration. 'Your grandfather told me that you and your mate are not compatible so-' she said as if feign ignorance at my reaction to her.

'So what?!' I said

'I think we going to suit each other since were both pure werewolf.' she said and sat next to me. 'I mean my mate is already dead and you have a vampire mate and I find it hilarious, honestly.' she added.

What the fuck this girl know? I want to talk back at her but father mind link at me and told me to just stay still and ignore whaever what is ever happening right now since his going to talk with grandfather about this whole thing.

That old man is hungry for power! I never like him or dislike him in the past, I just respected him since his my grandfather but right now I'm starting to hate him.

'Sorry did I say somethng wrong?' Alisa ask. Is she stupid or what? I didn't answer her but she just keep talking. 'Its really been a long time since I saw you Hunter.' she said and I was confused in what she said.


'You might not remember but we use to play when we were kids everytime we visit your pack. It was only a few times but we did play with Trent too, we were close back then.' she said and I remember it. The girl who always smile and laugh when we play together. I was nice to her since mother told me to be nice to every girl that's why I played with her.

'Ah, I remember.' I said

'Really... thats great.' she said while smiling 'I really thought I'll never see you again, your kind of my first love when we were kids.' she confess

'What about your mate?' I ask nicely at her.

'He died before I meet him... He is already dead so I never had feelings for him or any emotions that form. ' she explained. Somehow thats tragic.

'I really hope that we get along from now on.' she said extending her hand to shake mine... It would be rude not to shake her hands but saying like she's hoping for us to get along from now on is like telling me to accept her a my new mate when she is not so I didn't take her hand.

'Do you want to go out have a run in our wolves?' she suddenly ask, changing the topic.

'Sorry, I'm not in the mood for a run.'

I look at the clock and its almost two pm...




I stood up and walk out of the house, Alisa following me in my back so I detour in the pack territory to lose her and I did.

After escaping that girl I immidiately went to our meeting area, when I arive I didn't saw Summer. Did she went home already? Lalaine told Summer right?

I mind link Luke to ask him if Lalaine is with her and if she already pass the message.

Luke, is Lalaine with you? I ask No. She's still not here, I tried mind linking her but I can't contact her at all. he answered

Summer is not here in our meeting place. I said

Where are you? I'll go there, I can't see Lalaine here in the pack territory. he said and I told him where I am.

Luke arrive with a worried expression.

'Where do you think they are?' he ask

'I don't know.'

'Did you call Summer in her phone?' he ask

'Phone. Ahhh, she doesn't have one.' I said, I should really buy one for her but she is opposed to it. She said she doesn't want being indebted to anyone or being dependent.

We cross the alley when we saw a human lying on ground, I saw this man awhile ago Ithought he was just a drunkard sleeping something amidst so we went closer and notice that he unconscious, his forehead has a little scratch.

'Hunter...' I heard Luke so I turn around to look at him and my heart beat drops when I saw whats in his hand.

The red scarf that I gave to Summer.

End of Hunter Chase POV




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