"You don't have to ask him," Nathan assured me. "We will all ask him at lunch."

I nodded. Well, that's better.

"And say it's your idea," He added at the end. I whipped my head towards him and glared.

I opened my mouth to tell him off but the bell rang just in time, signaling the start of class. I clamped my mouth shut and faced the front of the room.

"Good morning class," Ms. Smith greeted. "Today we'll be talking about..."

I turned to Nathan to find him already looking at me with a nervous expression. I scowled at him before mouthing, "You got lucky."


At lunch, I found my friends (including Easton) already sitting at the lunch table.

"I seem to always be the last one to arrive," I thought to myself.

When I got to the table, I took a seat in between Easton and Crystal.

I stared at Nathan with a blank face. I liked watching him squirm and look nervous. It was one of my hobbies. Call me a sadist (which I'm not) but it's fun.

"Hey Easton. Demi was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall with us after school. She was too chicken to ask," Cameron asked Easton.

I snapped my head towards him and gaped at him. Are you serious?

Easton smirked at me. "Sure. I'll be there."

"Great you can just meet us there. Oh and Demi wants to ride with you," Cameron added at the end.

"That's fine. It's kinda like a regular thing anyways." Easton shrugged.

I glared at Cameron. "I am going to kill you," I mouthed at him.

He didn't even flinch as he closed his eyes and stuck his nose in the air. He wasn't at all like Nathan who was scared of me. I took a grape from my container and threw it and it somehow got stuck in his nose.

Cameron's eyes widened and he looked at the grape that was stuck in his nose.

I burst out laughing. He looked funny when he was cross-eyed. He slowly lifted up his hand to take the grape out of his nose.

He began to examine it before shrugging and plopping it in his mouth.

The small on my face immediately turned into a look of disgust. Cat and Crystal had the same expression on their faces. "You're so disgusting," Crystal cried.

Cameron winked at her. "It was tasty."

"EWW!" Cameron just burst out in laughter along with Easton and Nathan.

Boys will be boys.


After school, I walked all the way to Easton's locker. It was only seven lockers away but exercise didn't suit me.

Easton raised an eyebrow at my panting state. "You ready to go?" He asked.

I nodded putting a finger up to tell him to wait a minute. My breathing started to go back to normal before I stood up from my crouching position.

"You're locker isn't that far away," He pointed out.

"Yeah well, I jogged here," I said lamely.

He threw me a weird look before closing his locker. I followed him to his car and slipped into the passenger seat.

"Cat said they'll meet us at the food court," I told him. "That was probably Cat's idea."

He nodded and starting driving out of the school's parking lot. "So you wanted me to come eh?"

Queen Sarcasm (Book #1)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя