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VANESSA TAN WAS considered to be the epitome of an ice-queen.

Vanessa had beautiful auburn-coloured eyes and luscious straight, black hair which framed her ovular face. Her attractive features had been derived courtesy of her Chinese roots and were the reason why she attracted the eyes of so many.

But those attempts of suitors to court her or even just people wanting to befriend her would, more times than not, be met with a cruel and brutal rejection. Her ruthlessness in rejecting suitors had earned her her ice-cold reputation. The way she carried herself, with a touch of grace and venom ; like how a queen would, was what had sealed the deal for her title of ice queen.

Vanessa pursed her lips at the stage whispers that arose as she started to walk down the hallway.

Have you seen what she's wearing?

Damn, she looks completely fine for a girl who just lost her best friend 3 months ago

What did Serena ever see in her?

I keep telling you, Serena should've been my friend, I would have mourned her way better than Vanessa over there.

Vanessa resisted the urge to roll her eyes, choosing instead to continue her walk down the hall towards her locker. The rumours weren't worth getting riled up over.

She found it amusing how plentiful of people tried to shatter her, to break her. They clearly hadn't gotten the memo that it was impossible to break what was already broken— and she was already shattered glass.

The rumours no longer harmed her, they did nothing but remind her that she was still alive and that Serena wasn't.

Her footsteps slowed as she stopped briefly in front of a locker, decorated with letters and tributes ranging from sweets and flowers to teddy bears and expensive jewellery. Said locker was an anomaly amongst the otherwise straight trail of plain blue lockers that lined the walls but there was a reason for it.

That locker had been Serena Wilson's.

Once Serena had passed, students of Oaksville had created a shrine out of her locker. Gifts of all sorts kept popping up each day, the flow never seemed to end, even after 3 months had dragged on by.

If anything, more people became aware of who the girl was. 3 months after her passing, her popularity still continued to grow exponentially. Serena's influence had stretched far beyond the small town of Oaksville, some from other towns had even come to offer their condolences and respects.

Vanessa scowled, clearly these people didn't know Serena well enough to know her likes and dislikes. Serena had hated extravagant things like jewellery. She hated candy because they had always clung to her braces and were quote unquote 'impossible to clean up after'.

She had always preferred small, hand-made gifts as opposed to lavish ones.

Vanessa breathed in and out, to calm herself because it was the thought that counted. Even if those people leaving her gifts were the same people that teased Serena and whispered about her behind her backs — it was fine.

Or at least that was what she told herself, because if she didn't, she would've rained hell on them a long time ago.

As she breathed in, she noticed the familiar scent of fresh flowers. Sunflowers and white roses—Serena's favourite kinds. This, she nodded appreciatively at.

The flowers had been the linchpin of the entire shrine. Two months ago, a bouquet of these exact same flowers had been placed at the foot of her locker. What followed next, could only be described as a ripple effect ; others began to follow suit, placing their own tributes and gifts.

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