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THE ELEVENTH AND twelfth letter had been for her parents, but the thirteenth letter, was to someone no one could have predicted

Because if Serena was anything, it had been selfless. Selfless enough to care for those that she didn't even personally know.

The thirteenth letter was to the public.



My name is Serena Wilson.

If you're reading this, it means that my journey has finally ended.

My life, as you will know, has completed its cycle. Before my passing, I wrote a medley of letters and this is the last one. This letter is for you, the public.

For the people who I interacted with but never exchanged more than 5 syllables on the daily, where it be the grocery man I saw every week or the mailman, whomever it is, if you're reading this, thank you.

I'm thankful for being able to have met you. Even if we barely exchanged more than a few words, it means something to me. I wish you nothing but absolute happiness.

For everyone who is considering my path ; please know that you can go through this.

It may sound useless coming from me but here's the catch and the difference between you and I : you're stronger than me. The beautifulest things, diamonds, were made under pressure. You can only grow from what you go through.

I didn't lose my fight, it was just my own detour from reality. In another dimension, I've succeeded a million times over but it just wasn't my fate in this one.

You're beautiful. You're strong. You can do anything you set your mind to.

I believe in you.

Be the person you want to be. Be the person you can be proud of.


serena wilson


SERENA WILSON'S FINAL letter, addressed to the public was published in Oaksville's daily newspaper as a page on its own. With that, it was over. The last letter had been delivered.

Serena's letters had done so much for everyone, far beyond just the closure it was expected to give.

Her letters had mended bridges, Vanessa and Meiji, reunited after years of misunderstanding, one friendship was complete.

Taught her friends to be strong and brave the oncoming storms ; Olivia and Bethany.

Pieced together two of her closest friends ;Yasmin and Meridian

Serena's suicide was unexpected, shattering the lives of everyone she knew but her letters were the beginning of the end. Because at the end of every day, there is always light.

This was Serena's light.

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