The end?

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My thoughts are interrupted by Austin turning around to talk to me after he finishes putting his suitcase in place.
"So you girls live in Chicago huh?"
I nod shyly not sure what to say "yeah....its a really great place"
He smiles letting his hazel eyes meet mine, his eyes make my heart skip beats!!
He lets out a soft chuckle
"Not to mention chicago pizza is the best!"
I let out a small laugh, hoping not to sound like a donkey
"Well I wouldn't be able to say ours is the best, I've never really been out of Chicago."

The rest of that night was completely magical. We talked about are personal lives like we knew each other forever. I told him about my past and my future goals. We never really slept that night. The next morning Mia and I got driven home by one of Austins managers, After dropping Mia off it was my turn to get dropped off
"Before I forget," Austins bald headed manager Rocco takes out a piece of paper as he pulls up in front of my house "Austin wanted me to give this to you." I smile warmly and take the paper and getting out of the car not opening the piece of paper yet.
"Thanks for everything Rocco"
He smiles as I get out of the car
"No problem"
And with that I see the black escalate Cadillac drive off.
I sigh turning around to walk over to the front of my house, once I walk in the familiar sight i sit on the couch obviously knowing my mother wasn't home.
My mother was never really a mother, she was always away either for work or just to go party. Even if I was just 15 I felt so much older, I had to do everything for myself, I had no parental guidance.
I unfold the piece of paper that Rocco had given me a little while ago not expecting much, I read it and smile

Hey Emily,
Keep in touch! Hope to see you soon! -Austin Mahone (739)929-02700

I quickly save the number in my phone and wonder

Could this really be the start of something new? Or was it over before it even started? I'm 15 for gods sakes! He's 18 going on 19, I'm absolutely absurd if I think I could honestly be with him!

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