Waiting games

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The familiar stranger comes running out of the car and looks at Mia on the floor
"Gosh! Is she okay? What happened!?"
God how lucky can I be! I almost wanted to hug Mia as she lay on the floor. I knew that car seemed familiar never did I really believe it be Austin Mahones.

"Uh well we were waiting for her mom and she never showed so we were going to walk to the bus stop and she slid on the ice" I responded, clearly leaving out the part about me noticing the car.
"I think we should get her to a doctor" without me saying anything he carries her in his arms and lays her in the back seat laying there motionless.
"Get in!"
I do as I'm told and get in the passenger seat and buckle up. Austin drives to the nearest clinic. Mia soon started mumbling, mumbling was a good sign right? At least she wasn't dead.
We carry Mia out of the car and sit her in the clinic waiting room as I go up to the small window trying to get a doctor to see Mia.
"You'll be called in a few minutes, just wait in the waiting room for now."

"Thank you so much" I walk over and sit next to austin, with mias head now on my legs.

I look over at austin not knowing what to say, he suddenly looked up and spoke
"I'm sorry I never got your name."
"Oh I'm emily and this is Mia" pointing down to Mia.
He smiles "it's nice to meet you guys.....even if it's not in the best situation." He laughs softly as I join in to
"It's nice to meet you too austin, and thank you for stoping or else I'd be another Mia at the moment."
He laughs
moments later Mia suddenly opens her eyes still in a daze and asked "What happened?"
Me and Austin explain everything that happened and she still has trouble coming into terms that were actually with Austin.
"Romeo, Mia the doctor will see you now." We all get up and walk into a big doctors office. It had very boring colors and wasn't modern at all. We soon finish up with the doctor and Mia is given a cream to take away the swollen bump on her head. We all walk back to the car.
"So I guess I should be getting you guys home."
I bite my lip pouting slightly. As much as I was thankful for this night I just didn't want it to end. I was in the same car as AUSTIN MAHONE! my thoughts are interrupted as Austin speaks looking out the window "oh no!"
"What?" Mia and I say in sync
"The paparazzi are following us!" Austin throws his hands up "looks like dropping you guys off is gonna have to wait."

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