Painted smiles

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All day I had trouble comprehending what the heck actually happen, I didn't want to tell Austin about what happen cause then he'd know I wasn't telling the truth about something.
He soon walked into the door as I tackled him down hugging and kissing him giving him hardly enough time to get into our hotel room
He laughs and smiles "wow someone missed me"
I laugh with him and roll my eyes playfully "shut up you jerk"

Once we where all settled and In bed ready to fall asleep at any second he looked at me with a gaze in his eyes that was almost magic "Emily.." He spoke "I've been thinking and I don't want to go back to Miami knowing I didn't make this happen, your eyes are like stars that only somebody can dream of, now some people would call me insane but that's okay as long as I'm with other words, emily will you be my girlfriend?"

I was so amazed and stunned at why he'd want me...instead of leaping for joy like I should have done, there was an empty part in my soul that I could only guess was Mia. My best friend wasn't my best friend anymore. Oh how much I wanted to just tell her what just happened but I couldn't......
"Emily?" Austin speaks louder
I snap out of my thoughts and with a painted smile on my face I say "yes of course!" And take him in for a hug.
There was still emptiness in me like the words I said I didn't truly mean, the yes I had given him didn't have my heart or soul in it. For once again in my life I was lifeless even though I should have been ecstatic

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