mission 30:Brother vs Brother

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Y/n is running forward slashing and killing any demon stupid enough to get in his way after killing another horde of demons y) n stabs his blade into the ground and and leand on it catching his breath

Y/n:I didn't expect this many this close to the top I can't stop now though not when I'm so close

Tensa:master perhaps you should hurry your father appears to be there already


Tensa:it's likely because your refused to take the blood elevator as you named them

Y/n:...i don't regret that decision

Tensa:I know

Taking his blade back up and rushing up to the top once more

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Dante is walking up to Vergil who is sitting on a throne made from roots seeing this Dante scoffs

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Dante is walking up to Vergil who is sitting on a throne made from roots seeing this Dante scoffs

Dante:HEY VERGIL your portal opening days are over.... Give me the Yamato

Letting out a soft chuckle Vergil replies to his twin brother

Vergil:if you want it then you're have to take it but you already knew that didn't you

Smirking at this Dante summons his blade

Dante:I had a feeling you'd say that

Putting his blade on his shoulders Dante waits for his brothers replie

Vergil:how many times have we fought

Hearing this shocks Dante who actively has to think back all the way to their childhood digging up bad memories and the good ones that came before

Dante:hard to say it's the only real memory I have of us  I guess it's all we have did

Vergil smiles at his brother who returns the smile

dante:either way it's time to settle this Vergil once and for all

Vergil:I won't lose to the likes of you little brother

The two get ready to fight

Dante not wanting to give his brother a chance to make a move charges in with a stinger Vergil smacks his brothers sword to the side spinning and hitting the back of Dante's neck with his still Sheathed blade

Dante not wanting to give his brother a chance to make a move charges in with a stinger Vergil smacks his brothers sword to the side spinning and hitting the back of Dante's neck with his still Sheathed blade

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Vergil:foolishness Dante is all you know how to do is rush in blindly

Spinning in the air quickly Dante pulls out Ebony and fires Vergil spins his blade before lining up the bullets and launching them at Dante who repeats Vergils actions Vergil  moves to the side and watches the bullets fly past him

Dante:what did you really think it was going to go like it did back then

The two smirk before charging again the two clash as the ground beneath them cracks Dante putting more force into it forces Vergil back before Vergil activates his devil trigger and

The two smirk before charging again the two clash as the ground beneath them cracks Dante putting more force into it forces Vergil back before Vergil activates his devil trigger and

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Vergil:slay all

Quickly avoiding it Dante soon activities his sin devil trigger as the Vergil decides to fly around and then come charging at Dante who flips his sword onto it's side as to not cut Vergil I'm half yet but definitely give him a head headache Dante swings his sword like a baseball bat and hits Vergil square on the head knocking him into the side of the qliphoth both exiting their devil trigger

Dante:you cut your own sons arm off for this

Vergil:my son means nothing to me

Dante:what a loving father you are

The two charge forward and clash once again sparks flying as the blades meat

Vergil:I don't think I need to take parenting advice from you

Vergil flips his body above Dante who stabs his blade of only for Vergil to knock it away and land behind him his blade coming to Dante's face before ebony lands in front of  his left eye ready to fire

Dante:I'm a hell of a better father then you

Dante fires ebony ad Vergil swings Vergils barely avoiding the bullet and Dante barley avoiding Yamato the two spin in place before stopping and clashing blade once more Dante pushing Vergil who begins to slide Vergil breaks the clash of blades but Dante spins before kicking Vergil in the stomach Vergil before flying back slashes at Dante who blocks it the two brothers flying to opposite ends of the qliphoth

Vergil:Nero is truly my son

Dante:yeah dumb ass what can't remember through that thicc skull of you'res

Vergil:well well that was a long time ago

Dante:I guess you were young once to and as much as I'd love to hear that story I think it's about time we

Vergil:ended this

The two get into their stances both activating their devil trigger

Both ready to end this forever as the two charge at one another a demon with long white hair lands in between them stopping them as the change back to normal

Vergil:this is curious


Nero throws the two brothers back to opposite sides before returning to normal himself

I'll leave it here for now let me know what you think in the comments

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