Mission 5:Two handguns & a pair of gloves

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Y/n:ok so you two think it's best to split up

Nero & V: Yes

Y/n:look divide and conquer is great and all but with all the things happening wouldn't it be smarter to oh I don't know stick together instead of pulling this scobby Doo crap

Lucia:who's scobby in this

Jeanne:I think it might be Griffin

Lucia:does that make V Shaggy

Nico:behold my genius *holds up a devil breaker*

Nero goes to grab the devil breaker but is stopped by Nico

Nico:cash first

The two begin to have a argument but is over soon enough

Y/n:soo about my argument

V:splitting up is best

Y/n:fine whatever

Nico:hey uhhhh y/n these made this for you

Nico then hands y/n two guns with the Devil May Cry name on it

Nico then hands y/n two guns with the Devil May Cry name on it

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Y/n:how much

Nico nothing consider it a gift in honor of us meeting

Y/n then grabs the gun and spins it before putting it away

Y/n:I'll take it

Time skip brought to you by

Y/n:just keep running just keep running

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Y/n:just keep running just keep running

Y/n sings as he's running and jumping from roof tops until he hears a voice in his head 

Voice:you might wanna dodge

Y/n eyes widen at hearing this voice he stops dead and wonders if he's going crazy until he's shot in the back of the head with enough force to send him of the rooftop and into the streets below

Y/n:what the hell *y/n looks up to see a monster of a demon*

Y/n:what the hell *y/n looks up to see a monster of a demon*

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Y/n:ohh this might take awhile

The demon then fires a a energy beam from its chest however y/n Dodgers and pulls out Shiro and starts unloading bullets into the demon but it has no effect

Y/n:damn  *puts away Shiro and summons tensa* let's try this then

Y/n:charges the demon but and swings hard but the demons tail blocks it

Y/n: are you kidding m-

Y/n is cut off by the demons tail almost impaling I'm though the head but y/n jumps back quickly but the demon then charges as it's tail continues to almost impaling him then the demon starts firing energy beams at him at the same time


Voice:swing me to your left

Y/n:whaaaaa shit

The demon was able to Nick him and take some hair off of y/n

Voice:do you wanna die

Y/n:*jumps back and blocks the demon as it charges again* Hell no I don't

Voice:then swing me when I tell you to and where I tell you to

Y/n:I'm not holding a Disembodied voice I'm holding a sword oh ohhhhhhhh wait how the fuc-

Voice:no time for that

The demon then charges again this time charging a energy beam instead of firing

Voice:now swing me forward while putting you energy into me and then releasing it


Voice:Just Do It

Y/n:fine Im doing it haaaaa *y/n then pumps tensa full of energy then swings*

(0:24 to the end)

With V

V:we need to hurry I cannot allow him to gain any more power
*ground shakes*

Griffin:hey V you may wanna look to your right

V then sees y/ms attack

V:the fuuuuuuuuuuu

With Nero

Nero:with out power you can't protect anything I know that *ground shakes* what the hell

Nero then looks to his right outside a window and sees y/ns attack

Nero:what the hell is that

Back with y/n

Y/n:well that was a thing

Y/n then sees a glowing orb from where the demon was standing and summons it to him it then transforms into a pair of gloves

Y/n then sees a glowing orb from where the demon was standing and summons it to him it then transforms into a pair of gloves

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Y/n:........the demon turned into a pair of gloves neat

There you guys go hope you enjoyed the chapter

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