Mission 40: Kidnapped

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Y/n woke as Lucina was getting everything ready in a hurry

Y/n:going somewhere

Lucina: *nods her head* today my aunt is killed .

Y/n:....fuck it I'm in let's go save her

Lucina:I'm aunt is also the Exalt

Lucina puts her mask on and hides her hair as y/n waits for her to finish getting ready y/n is stretching his arms and legs

Y/n:so shall we go then

Lucina:yes let's hurry

Quickly leaving to get their before the exalts death they arrive at night and see that the fighting has already begun Lucina rushes in as y/n looks around seeing a open window y/n smirks and jumps through said window quickly moving to to the throne room y/n sees someone an
Bout to kill a woman y/n quickly moves in the way of the dagger as it lodges into his arm the woman puts a hand to her mouth and gasps in shock as the assassin looks at y/n likes he's crazy seeing a opportunity y/n kicks the assassin in the gut sending him flying back as y/n looks at the dagger that is still lodged in his arm

Y/n:poisoned huh

Y/n grabs the dagger gripping it tightly and pulls it out of his arm before tossing it into the air catching it and throwing it at the assassin his arm healing immediately as the dagger
Soars through the air the assassin going to get up the dagger stabs through the wall right beside his head as he looks to y/n in shock who give the waves his hand at him in the motion that says come and get me

Assassin:your a monster

Y/n:a monster me no I'm just your friendly neighborhood devil hunter who saw someone needed help that's all

Y/n dissapears from the assassins sight the assassin looks around for y/n looking to the left the assassins eyes meet y/n's torso

Y/n:hey how's it going

Y/n kicks the assassin into the wall once more knocking the assassin out cold y/n turns to the exalt seeing a woman

Y/n kicks the assassin into the wall once more knocking the assassin out cold y/n turns to the exalt seeing a woman

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Y/n:so your the one in charge right

Woman:your arm it's... It's healed

Y/n:what the knife wound its nothing

Woman:but I saw the blade it came out in the other end of your arm how is it healed a blessing

Y/n:don't know if you should be calling it a blessing so much as a curse as well


Y/n:no I'm not cursed its complicated let's just say I'm not exactly normal

Woman:umm right well thank you but you shouldn't have killed him I don't condone violence like that

Y/n:kill him no he's alive just out cold

Woman:oh well.. My name is Emmeryn

Y/n:y/n now tell me your majesty are you harmed

Emmeryn:yes thank you

As she says this chrom and the others come running in Lucina is no where to be seen so y/n chooses now to leave dissapear before anything can happen Appearing out side next to Lucina after a bit the two go for a walk

Lucina:they thanked me for the help

Y/n:that's nice

Lucina:they didn't thank you did they

Y/n:didn't really give them the chance to I left figured you could go for some company

Lucina:thank you

Y/n:you want to tell them don't you

Lucina:yes I just miss my parents my father died when I was still a child and my mother dissapeared I can only assume she died along side father

Y/n:well once your born there's nothing stopping you from tell them  right

Lucina:your right but still

Y/n:it will get better

Chrom comes running towards the two of them

Chrom:we need your help

Marth:with what

Chrom:the exalt has been kidnapped

To be continued

I know it's not that good unfortunately it's been a while since I've played the game and my game and system are gone so I can't go back and play it so this is all of memory but let me know what you think

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