Mission 9: Janemba

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Y/n:ok I have been running for three hours and have not seen a single demon I am lost *slash* nope *Dodges*

As y/n turns around to see what attacked him he sees

As y/n turns around to see what attacked him he sees

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Y/n:so what's your name

The demon just yells

Y/n: can can you not talk

The demon continues to yell

Y/n:well this is going to be boring if you can't talk we can't have witty banter

The demon continues to yell until y/n shoots him with kuro

Y/n:that's enough of that let's just get this over with and Heyy where did he go

The demon then appears behind him about to cut y/ns head off who is still looking for him before Tensa moves on its own to counter the attack

Y/n:oh thank god that would have hurt like a lot

The demon uses some bs ability and attacks y/n with his fist after using a portal that allowed his fist to appear right beside y/n hitting him square on the cheek

Y/n: ow what the hell was that

Voice: I recommend avoiding that from now on

Y/n:you don't say

Voice:less smartass more dodging

Y/n:dodging what

The demon appears behind y/n


The demon slashes y/n across the back cutting y/n deep

Y/n shit ow ow ow

Y/n then jumps back trying to get some distance but the demon appears besides y/n


Y/n is able to dodge the demons attack only barely the demon managed to cut some of y/ns cloak off

Y/n:you know yelling dodge is more distracting then helpful and you how dare you ruin my cloak this was the last thing my mother gave to me and he disappeared again

Voice:he's behind you

Y/n blocks the attack and then goes for to slash the demon disappears again before he can

Y/n:stop doing that

Voice:do you really think it's going to stop

Y/n:no but I can dream

As the demon goes to attack y/n from above y/n blocks it and goes for the demons head only to miss via the demon disappearing again

Y/n:dammit stop doing that it's Cheating

Voice:I have a idea

The demon then appears below y/n and attacks y/n luckily y/n dodges unluckily he is still cut

Y/n:let's hear it I'm sick of getting cut healing factor or no it still hurts

Voice:right when you block it's attack fire a getsuga

Y/n: good idea but I don't have enough time to charge it

Voice:then charge it before you block rap the getsuga around me and right as you block release it


Y/n then begins to charge his getsuga waiting for the demon to appear right as it does appear above y/n going for a downward slice y/n blocks it and releasss the getsuga killing the demon

Y/n:I WIN!!!!!!

But then the demons soul appears y/n thinking he's going to get another devil arm walks to it what he wasn't expecting was the soul to turn into a girl

But then the demons soul appears y/n thinking he's going to get another devil arm walks to it what he wasn't expecting was the soul to turn into a girl

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There you guys go what do you think  who is this girl what does she mean master don't forget to comment

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