Mission 45:the end

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Y/n Has been battling the Dragon version of grima as the two fight in the sky down below Lucina and chrom have been trying to stop Robin grima y/n was blown back to the ground hitting said ground hard sliding psst Lucina and chrom tensa flying down and stabbing into the ground

Tensa:I was under the impression you  could handle it

Y/n:oh shut up will ya

Y/n stands up blood dripping from his head and arms as the wounds heal

Y/n:ill admit this isn't as easy as I thought it was going to be walking forward y/n picks tensa out of the ground as y/n hears something turning around y/n sees a army approaching


Jumping back into the sky y/n opens the palm of his empty hand as The reforged rebellion appears in his hand y/n blasts dragon grima with a getsuga flipping as grim deals with that onto his head y/n takes rebellion and stabs it into dragon grimas head dragon grima behind to shake y/n who stabs tensa into dragon grimas head as well trying to hold on y/n ends up flying off of dragon grimas head both tensa and rebellion falling to the ground as y/n hits a building Robin grima uses her magic to stop both Lucina and chrom as rebellion stabs into the ground next to her Robin grima looks at rebellion and to y/n who is getting back up before grabbing it and throwing it at y/n using magic to make the blade go faster Lucina sees where the blade is going and goes to scream at y/n to move unfortunately her voice doesn't come out as Robin grima uses wind magic to force her back y/n is stabbed through the chest by the rebellion and forced against a wall his body hanging limp Lucina seeing this gains a look of fear blood dripping onto the rebellion Robin grima begins to laugh as blood continues to drip onto the rebellion the sword absorbing the blood Lucina looks towards dragon grima as the Shepards and reinforcements have arrived and are attacking with everything against the dragon grima hearing a cry of pain to her right Lucina seed chrom fighting Robin grima blood pouring from his arm


Lucina moves in and attacks before Robin grima can do anything to her father the dragon grima letting out a loud raw before stopping after hearing a heartbeat

The rebellion behind to glow blood red before the blade lights up and changes

The rebellion behind to glow blood red before the blade lights up and changes

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Looking over to y/n the dragon grima is shot in the eyes letting out a cry of pain as y/n stands there Rebellion now returned to how it once looked but with a blood red blade still stabbed into his chest people look at him putting the two guns back into there holsters

Y/n:they actually hurt a lot

Y/n grabs the rebellion pulling it out of his chest and looking at it

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