mission 29:on the move

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Sorry for the late updates guys I was on break for a good while but I'm slowly making my way back ok now let's get to it

Y/n is running slashing through any demon stupid enough to get in his way needless to say his kill count has gone up a good number

Y/n:I think that was number 408,068


Y/n:you couldn't just let me kill one more and let it be 69 could you

Tensa:your the one who killed to at once master

Y/n:...shut up


Nico:how do we know we're going the right way

Jeanne:because those are sword marks in the ground

Nico:...... Aaaaand

Akame:follow the trail my master is not far I can feel him

Nico:freaky demon magic got it

Jeanne:she accepts that but not the sword marks

Lucina:I hope we are not to late

Nico:by the way...... Could someone light me

Lady:uhh here

Lady reaches over lighter in hand and lights the cigarette in Nico's mouth

Trish:Jeanne got the right idea actually..

Jeanne:of course I wait what

Akame:what!? I know better then her where my master is

Trish:lady you can help me prove this to

Lady:your not wrong no one in Dante's family is subtle I honestly think it's genetic


Dante is in his bike driving past a gas station that is somehow still intact smirking to himself he takes his gun seeing multiple demons hanging out by he aims and shoots the gas pump as it explodes killing the demons by it




Y/n is walking past a number of demons a smirk on his face his hands gloved y/n ready to snap his fingers

Y/n:hey there boys how's your health plan

The demons jump at him intending to kill him before y/n let's out a laugh


y/n snaps his fingers resulting in a explosion fire spreading every where

Back with the girls

Explosions can be seen going off one after another before a fire starts in the South side of the city


Nero:this didn't help my sour mood I need to find a phone and call Kyrie she'll know what to do

Back to the girls

Lady:like I said genetic

With vergil

Vergil is looking into the distance the explosions and fire getting closer before the fire is put out by who he doesn't know but can guess considering who is left alive in the city

Vergil closes his eyes and sighs before a small smile finds its way to his lips


The boys have finally found another way up to a high level of the demonic tree

With dante

Dante:Vergil I'm coming for you

With Nero

Nero is running and jumping from platform to platform still very much so pissed off

With y/n

Y/n:so here's a question

Tensa:yes what is it

Y/n:this tree kills people and takes their blood for a powerful fruit right


Y/n:ok but no one can come back to live here until it's gone sooo how do we get rid of it

Tensa:I do not know but I would assume take it out at it's roots

Y/n:that will be the last thing we handle for this one I'm getting tired but we need go make sure Nero can get what he needs done done

Tensa:your intending to side with your cousin rather then your father

Y/n:that's right

While this mental convention is going on y/n is running and jumping from parts of the tree


Y/n:Vergil is his father and as much as I love my father hes blinded by is distain and bad blood this needs someone who can think straight

Tensa:then why not do it yourself right now I would assume Nero is in a bad place is he not

Y/n:yes but like I said Vergil is Nero father Dante is mine I'll deal with my father the children need to keep their parents in line somewhat funny don't you think

After waiting a few minutes y/n cuts the mental link off so he can focus unknowingly tensa would have answered soon enough

Tensa:I don't I think it's nice children give the chance to be better and can provide the kick to do what they should even if it's moving on

I'll leave it here it's late I'm tired bye let me know what you think in the comments

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