Mission 44:Grima unleashed

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Y/n and Lucina ha e arrived first to see the city fighting a giant dragon

Y/n:that's grima right

Lucina:   . Y.... Y... Yes

Y/n:ok well for you look for you mother I'll deal with ugly


Y/n jumps into the air facing the big demonic dragon

Y/n jumps into the air facing the big demonic dragon

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Y/n summons Tensa

Y/n:damn your big

Y/n:if I'm right then either this is Lucinas mother or her mother is possessed hopefully Lucina and the others can restrain her before-

On top of the dragons head y/n sees Lucinas mother Robin

On top of the dragons head y/n sees Lucinas mother Robin

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Robin grima:something wrong

Y/n:no no I just thought the summoning of rebirth of a giant demonic dragon would be a bit of a bigger deal ya know planet shaking fire and death everywhere ya know

Grima Robin:mm yes well the fire and death has been caused here you know something you smell rather like myself

Y/n:this is a new cloak shame

Grima Robin:clever

Scene change

Chrom and his group have arrived to see the fell dragon grima

Random soldier:that's....

Random soldier 2:the fell dragon isn't it

Random soldier 3:....WE'RE FUCKED

Scene change Lucina has spotted her mother on top of the fell dragon speaking with y/n falling to the ground

Lucina:my own mother ...

Taking a few moments to gather her resolve Lucina gets up and looks for a way to help

Scene change

Y/n:oh long are you going to stare into my eyes we gonna fight or what

Grima Robin:I was attempting to figure out what you were but you may have a point it doesn't matter but it doesn't matter your die now

The dragon grima attacks along side Robin grima as y/n dodges the attacks

Y/n:you feel that

Tensa:yes I do

Y/n continues to dodges attacks

RobinGrima:what is wrong fool can you do nothing but run

Y/n watches as two attacks merge and head towards him raising his hand and snapping his fingers fire hits the two grimas attacks as they cancel each other out

Y/n:I wasn't running I was thinking to myself that I was disappointed if that's all you got

Robin grima:what was that fool

Y/n:don't misunderstand from what I've seen of this world yeah your strong but if I had to guess id say your not as strong as you should be and another thing.... After facing my uncle and his power... Your just disappointing


Y/n swings Tensaw as a black wave of energy fires our of the sword and into the dragon grimas neck forcing it to the ground along side Robin grima

Y/n:so much for that I guess

Y/n lands in the ground looking at the two bodies

Y/n:you know I know your not dead right

Robin grima:I have to admit that caught me off guard

Y/n:complements will get you no where with me

Robin grima:is that so

The two grimas get back up as Lucina gets beside y/n chrom getting to his other side

Y/n:what are you two doing

Lucina:it's my mother I have a right to help

Chrom:Robin is my love I have to try and free her

Y/n:.....do what you want just don't go gettin to close when I swing got it

Chrom and Lucina:right

The dragon grima fly's back into the sky

Y/n:actually how about this the big one is mine you can take care of the small one

Y/n shoots into the sky after dragon grima as Robin grima,chrom and Lucina have a stare down before the father and daughter combo charge forward

To be continued

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