Mission 41:saved

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Lucina and y/n have ran until they can't run anymore making it to see chrom and the Shepards looking up towards a mountain where Emmeryn stands with a man beside her egging her on telling her to jump it give up the Emblem Emmeryn takes a step forward chrom screaming for her not to do it the man beside her laughing as she begins to fall a black blur rockets past everyone grabbing their attention catching Emmeryn and shooting into the sky

Man:what ... No no no no

Y/n:jeez your a idiot aren't you

Emmeryn:it's you

Y/n brings emmeryn down gently sitting her beside chrom and Lissa who run up towards her grabbing onto her  marth running up and standing beside y/n

Emmeryn:why did you do that

Y/n:because your a idiot do you really think dying is going to help anything if you don't have the resolve to fight and protect your people you shouldn't be queen


Y/n:I'm y/n sparda and I'm... Going to kill you


Y/n:shut up it won't be a war.... I promise that

Man:you think you can insult me I AM A KING

Y/n:...king...yeah here's your crown

Pulling out his guns y/n shoots the man in the head as he falls to the ground below the mountain


The king hits the ground dead


Y/n:what did you want me to let him talk down to us

Emmeryn:you didn't have to kill him now war is inevitable

Y/n:war huh ..... Listen you can't rule by just being nice so long as there are people there will be disagreements and so long as there are disagreements there will be fighting you can't escape war it's in human nature

Emmeryn:we didn't have to

Y/n:are you really so foolish to believe that your death would stop a war of a mad king it's a endless cycle of vengeance why don't you think for more then five seconds if you died what do you think would happen your brother or your sister would be swallowed by revenge...

Emmeryn looks towards y/n

Y/n:revenge is a poison even if you gain your vengeance your find yourself in on a Path that you can't leave if a demon kills your mother your find yourself killing demons every day or searching for power to never feel like that again but both paths lead to the one responsible you don't have to fight your to much of a coward Ill do it if you won't but this was a act if war and if you think it's going to be the only one to ever come then your wrong


Y/n looks over to Marth

Marth:that's enough let's go


The two begin to walk away

Chrom:WAIT  ..... I want to thank you for saving my sister but even still I ask that you never speak to her that way again

The two continue to walk away a snap sounds as fire explodes to the left of them all catching them off guard dust every where as it settles the two now gone

To be continued

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