2: Hiruzen

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Naruto open his eyes as he immediately sit up and saw his Best Friend, Sasuke in his side.

His clothes was the same as they leave their timeline much more there appearance. Naruto looks like his Father now as his hair grows because of continuously battling before, he did not have a time to cut it but still, he love his hairstyle as he remember his father because of his looks.

He got his fathers look but his lips came from his mother. But his entire dominant traits came from his mother as they both love pranking and Ramen.

He change his clothes to his ANBU gear as it was the only clothes he had and put his torn and ruined clothes to his seal scroll where his clothes came from.

He put his Fox mask on the side of his face as he wake Sasuke up.

Thats the time where Sasuke woke up and saw the surrounding.

"Where are we?" Sasuke ask. Naruto just shrugged and sit like an indian.

"Probably near to Konoha Boarders, still not checked," Naruto said. Sasuke just nodded as he also change his torn and ruined clothes to his ANBU gear with a cloak that only cover his half body.

"Teme! Use your Sharingan to altered our identity here. We can't appear out of nowhere," Naruto ordered using his Kage Voice that makes Sasuke obey the order without thinking.

His eyes change to his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan as the whole place begun to change without their knowing. Papers and their identy was now stable.

Naruto now become Kazama Ashura and Sasuke become Tetsuya Indra. Naruto Altered his looks as well as Sasuke and put a genjutsu to his Reinnigan.

Kazama Ashura has a Blue Violet eyes and Red Hair just like a typical Uzumaki hair. He wanted to be a secret Uzumaki as he want to take care of his younger self. He still had the hair style that his Father had. He has a paled skin and did not have his usually whisker. He had a single katana name Kura that made from the Tailed Beast Chakra itself. A twin red dagger on his side, and another ordinary katana.

While Tetsuya Indra has a dark brown hair that looks like the hairstyle of his brother, Uchiha itachi. He has a deep blue eyes and slightly tanned skin. He had a twin Katana name Akuma which mean demon that made from the Reinnigan and Amaterasu power. It can burn your skin if you had a contact to this sword. He also put his Kusanagi sword on the side of his body for some purpose.

Feeling so satisfied to there new look.

Naruto spread his Chakra around and check if something is suspicious but immediately drop that and head towards the gate using his Upgrades Hiraishin.

In the gate, Izumu and Kotetsu stop the both of them as they appear in the gates. They only demand their Village pass and let them enter after Verifying it.

They did not even wasted any second and immediately went to the Hokage's Office.

Even if they can go inside the Office without even opening the window and door using Naruto's Hiraishin, they did not do it and use the door to go inside.

As they go inside, Naruto glance to the Third Hokage as his emotion started to messed up.

He remember the day he first met him in the forest where he pretend as an old man who is homeless. He remember the fish they share after Naruto cook it with the fire he make and started the conversation about his life.

He remember the day he officially know that the old man was the Hokage, he remember how he talks to him during the time that he stole the forbidden scroll and how he forgave him that time. And the most painful memories he had was the Chunnin Exam where he died in the hand of his own Student.

Sasuke manage to detect the mess emotion of Naruto and tap his shoulder as if his saying that everything will now be fix.

"Old- I mean, Hokage-sama, may we speak to you privately and summon Inoichi-sama here? We will report an SSS-rank Secret to you and him," he force his self to be polite to him because of his trait as the Hokage.

His not used of being low and to subdue to other. He was use to subdue the others and give command for being the Commander Kage of the Shinobi Allied Forces.

The Third Hokage nodded to him.

"Cat, Tell Inoichi that I need his presence immediately here in my office and the other ANBU, all of you, dismiss," the ANBU's disappear as the two of them sit on the couch at the right corner of the Office.

Naruto and Sasuke removed their mask and their seal first as Hiruzen become shock to the appearance of the two.

Naruto looks like Namikaze Minato with whiskers and Sasuke looks like Uchiha Fukaku minus the line in his cheeks.

"Mi-minato, Fu-fukaku?" Hiruzen shockly ask.

He looks like he seen some ghost as the two stripped the seal that Naruto did to the two of them outside the Konoha.

They both decide that it will be their appearance when they started to walk around.

"I am not him. I am Uzumaki Naruto, Old Man," Naruto Blankly said. He still can't control his messed up emotion right now as he continuously stare to the person in his front. His Jiji, his Grandfather and the person who took care of him when he was young.

He don't know why but he wanted to go to Hiruzen and hug him. He wanted to cry but still wanted not to break down.

He can't afford the consequence right now.

"I-it impossible, Naruto was just a 12 year old kid," Hiruzen can't still process the information that Naruto give to him.

He did not have any option now but to bring out the Green Emerald necklace that Tsunade gives to him after they went to go to her just to make her the Fifth Hokage. Because Jiraiya refuse the position.


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