9: Team 7

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Sakura faintly blush because of Ashura and Indra's good looks. But then, she shake her head and told herself that 'her Sasuke-kun is the owner of her heart'.

"You still have an half and hour before your Sensei will be here. So for now, take some breakfast," Ashura was smiling to the three of them.

At least in this area he can help them. He knows how cunning their Sensei is and how Harsh he though a lot of things to them.

It makes them grow because of it.

"Bu-but Sensei said, we should not eat because we might poke!" Sakura said with her hesitating voice.

"During fights and sparring, you should fill your stomach for you to have an energy. And as a girl who wants to be a ninja, you should not hesitate to eat as many as you can because in your training, you are burning a lot of calories and fats. If your not eating, then the calories that the training will burn is much higher and a possibility of being malnourish is high. So the the of you, eat so you'll have an energy for your survival test!" Ashura said.

Indra was the one who gave them the lunch box.

"What's your name, mister?" Sakura ask as she ate the lunch. She realize her mistake now so she will not hesitate to eat more and to train more for her figures so she will be liked by her long time crush.

"I'm Kazama Ashura and that guy is my partner, Tetsuya Indra," Ashura said with a smile not everyone knows it was only a mask.

Only Indra knows about the mask of Ashura whose nearly perfect if he will pointed it without his knowledge that it was a mask.

"Thank you for the meal, Kazama-san, Tetsuya-san," Indra nodded and Ashura smile and told her 'welcome'.

While eating, Indra approach Sasuke who had been silent as they arrive. Indra knows why because it was him when he was younger.

He wanted to save his younger self from being a hungry power and let him understand that revenge will not make you happy.

"You have a dark mood, kid," Indra said first and thinking how to approach his younger self.

"I will just give you a piece of advice before your team started the test. Make sure to team up with your team because teamwork is the key for everything," Indra said softly. Sasuke just glare at him and started to get irritated.

"Why would I need to team up to a bunch of weak people!" He angrily said. Ashura and the others heard what Sasuke said so Ashura chuckle as he saw Sasuke in his fuming mad expression.

Indra is a bit helpless as he stared at Ashura seemingly wanted to ask for help.

"Well, your Sasuke right? Underestimating your enemy, specially your teammate is a form of weakness. If you are really strong enough to prove yourself that you are. Then you should analyze your enemies capabilities specially your teammate so you can use it as your tool or as their destruction. You are not a god to be able to do everything. Sometimes help from others and borrowing strenght to others is also a form of strength," he smile as he already knows how to deal his younger version teammate. He had a long and wide understanding on how Sasuke think since he was considered as his best friend.

"Pride and arrogance can only lead you to your destruction. So don't underestimate your teammates and other and don't overestimate your ability just because of a things that you're deciding because you are angry with something. I'll give you a piece of advice to calm your self and assess your situation and try to see that situation from different angles without eaten by your own emotion," Sasuke don't know if Ashura is referring to his team mates or he was directly referring to his situation between his brother, family and himself.

Indra hits his spot in just a few seconds and try to calm down his self.

"After you eat, we will go now to the Hokage, since we still need to accept some mission. And just remember two things, be patient and teamwork is the key," Ashura said.

Indra stared to Ashura gratefully as he can see that his younger self had accumulate an impact to what Ashura said so both of them just wait for the three to finish their food.

After that, the two left with a smile as they saw their old team and went to the Hokage's office for something they came up when Ashura was cooking a while ago.


Kakashi just leave the memorial park of his Sensei and his teammates. He just sigh and leave after he already knows that he was already three hours late.

Being late to everything is actually his punishment to his self and his way to honor the person who change him, none other than, Uchiha Obito.

That knucklehead teammate of him was always late to everything because of his nature to help people that needs some help or simply his alarm clock did not ring because he did not set it the other night.

As he went to training grounds, he expect some pranks or expect some scolding to his cute little genin. But what just he is a bunch of teens who's sleeping in the log under the shade of the tree.

He chuckle as he saw them that they looks like too close to each other.

He breath deeply first and started to scold them. "GET UP NOW!" he said. As he saw them almost freak out, he laugh and plaster his famous eye smile on his face.

Sasuke actually throw a kunai while Naruto and Sakura form in their fighting form.

After seeing that it was only their Sensei, they sigh.

"Sensei! You can wake us up without scolding okay? You are already 3 hours late and you did not even spare us from being scolded like that!" Sakura said grumpily.


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