17: Sparring

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Early in the morning Ashura and Indra's blood clone appear to Team 7's training grounds. They saw them chatting- well it was arguing.

Sakura was yelling Naruto to stop arguing to Sasuke and how cool Sasuke is.

Both of them chuckle as they remember their genin days before which was the same to what are they watching right now.

"Ashura-ji-san! Indra-san!" Naruto happily welcome the two which makes the two smile.

"What are you doing here? Can we spar?" Naruto ask with his high pitch voice.

"Well, it was actually the reason why we are here. So lets spar?" Ashura ask.

Indra just watch as both Ashura and Naruto stand in their fighting instance.

Naruto begin by throwing kunais and shuriken to Ashura which really what Ashura expected. He dodge it with his speed without a sweat.

After that, Ashura punch his opening but as also his expected, it popped because it was only a clone.

"Multiple Shadow Clone Technique times two!" A lot of Naruto's clone begun to surround Ashura as they dash north, south, east, or west but Ashura know by himself that it did not have any partern.

Naruto use his Shadow clone and throw another one to dash inside Ashura's guard but Ashura just punch it to the ground as if he expect it to him.

While Sasuke was watching, he can't even predict what will Naruto do next. Its too unpredictable.

While Ashura punch the ground, he pull the real Naruto and punch him. He vomit a bit of blood but Ashura just stared him blankly.

"Is that all you've got?" Ashura ask.

"You are my blood kin, Naruto you still have a lot of things you can do. Push your limit, you still have something to your sleeves," Ashura said seriously.

Naruto seriously stand up with his fight. He dash to Ashura and throw the Kunai to Ashura's place but Ashura just grab the Kunai he throw and throw it back to him.

His Naruto manage to dogde it but not completely. His arm bleed which makes Sasuke and Sakura awe.

"Don't worry, Ashura will not let Naruto hurt him too much," Indra said.

Because of this Naruto use speed and contact to Ashura.

"U-ZU-MA-KI-NA-RU-TO!" It was none other than Naruto's combo technique.

Naruto was really desperate so he position his self and and ready for another attack.

"Leaf Village Secret! Utimate Taijutsu: Thousand Years of Pain!" Naruto stick his hand and tried to land his hand to Ashura's Ass.

Indra smack his hand to his forehead and shake his head. What are you expecting to Naruto?

Ashura chuckle and dodge Naruto's attack.

"Times up!" Naruto was really irritated and reckless as he attack.

"Sasuke you're next. I'll tell you both of my assessment to your strength and weakness," Ashura stand to his fighting instance.

Just like Naruto, Sasuke directly attack Ashura but he did not use any weapon. He use Taijutsu in Uchiha way.

"It useless to use Taijutsu to Ashura since he had an abnormal speed. I'm sure he still holding back," Indra commented while watching. Both Sakura and Naruto who is injured stare to him.

"What do you mean Indra-san? Sasuke-kun become the rookie of the year. I'm sure he can scratch Ashura-san," Sakura said.

"It was the problem to Sasuke. He was too confident to his capability and underestimate the capability of his enemy," Indra said.

No matter what attack Sasuke made, it was all dodge by Ashura.

"Are you scared? Why don't you fight me!" Sasuke was really irritated and his hatred to this man really goes up.

"You really want me to get serious? Okay then," Naruto vanish to Sasuke's eye and just like that, he felt the pain to his body. Did not see him but he can feel his attack.

Every inch of his body feels the pain. Even the whole training grounds create a crater as Sasuke's body gets deeper and deeper.

When the pain stop, Sasuke still manage to counter attack.

"Fi-fire Style: Gre-great Fi-Fireball Te-technique," although his hand sign is right, the fire ball that he release happen to be too small.

He felt useless but he still blame Ashura to what happen.

"Sasuke!" Both Sakura and Naruto shout. They tried to go with him but Indra stop them.

"Just trust him. Sasuke needs it," Indra said. Although both of them worried, they trust Ashura to whats happening.

"Times up," Ashura lift his hand and Sasuke's body lift up. A light green chakra surrounds him for a second.

The pain that he felt subside and he felt as if he did not fight with Ashura. His stamina and his chakra went all normal.

If his clothes is not torn up and his body is not dirty no one will believe that he came from fight.

Ashura lift up his hand and Naruto also surrounds the green chakra. After a second, just like what Sasuke felt, his chakra went normal and his injury healed.

"Cool!" Naruto was amuse and run to Ashura.

"Hey Ji-san. Teach me those please!" Naruto shouted again so Ashura chuckle.

"I will but for now, I'll tell you both about my assessment. Sakura, later I'll assign you to do something but for now, I know you will not stand to spar to me. Don't take it as an insult but rather a motivation okay?" Sakura nodded.

"Naruto, you are too good to improvise. If not for my institution, you can hurt me. Your too unpredictable," Naruto smile and jump like a fools he also dance as if he won a lottery.

"But you're too hot headed. You're emotion was eating you and you was easily gets irritated in the middle of a battle. You should stay calm so you can make a lot of plan while fighting to someone. Control your emotion since it can be use as your destruction in the future," because of this Naruto gloomed a bid.

"Don't get too sad, you are still a genin so it still have a lot of opportunity to improve. No matter how talented a person is, you can beat them using hard work," Ashura pat Naruto's head as he plaster his famous foxy grin.


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