3: Memories From The Future I

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After he brings out the necklace, Hiruzen immediately recognise it. It was the First Fire Shadow's Necklace. The same necklace that Tsunade inherited to Mito Uzumaki and the same necklace that she give to his Younger Brother Senju Nawaki and his lover Kato Dan. Both of them died that makes the necklace back to Tsunade's possession.

And because of that, she become too afraid to give it to her closest person thinking that they might die.

"It was given to me by Baa-chan, Tsunade after we bet about the Rasengan. If I could master the Rasengan, she will become a Hokage and she will give me this necklace and she will be willingly go with us to go back in Konoha. If not, I will give her my Money filled Gama-chan wallet. She lose the bet and she become the Fifth Hokage," Naruto slowly said as he remember that day.

Hiruzen can see the whisker of Naruto and know to his self that it was really Naruto, his beloved Grandson.

After a while, he stared to Sasuke as if he was asking who is he. Naruto immediately know what Hiruzen want so he was the one who answer him.

"He was Uchiha Sasuke, my other teammates when we are in Genin," because of that information, he more believe that the two was from future.

"Your sensei and your other teammates?" Hiruzen ask another.

"Hatake Kakashi and Haruno Sakura," Hiruzen nodded again totally believe in the two.

The teams was still on his head and still not even let the Jounin Teacher who will be their student. Tomorrow is the Graduation and he already had an arrangement to the groups and who will be the Jounin to assign.

Hiruzen really plan to demote Kakashi to become a Jounin and let the Three to become his teammates.

He never told anyone and that makes him believe in what Naruto was saying.

"By the way, Old Man, My younger self will probably steal the Forbidden Scroll tonight. Let him have the scroll and let him learn the Multiple Shadow Clown it was also be the turning point of Iruka Sensei to let his self learn that he cares for my Younger self. I am just telling you these because a certain teacher named Mizuki. After failing his graduation exam, Naruto was tricked by Mizuki into stealing the scroll from your Residence stating that if he can learn one technique within it, he would be allowed to graduate which in the end, turned out to be true ironically. What Mizuki truly desired was to take the scroll and had him become a scapegoat for his crime," Naruto said.

Hiruzen just nodded and immediately plan how to deal with Mizuki after the said turning points of Iruka.

By that time, Inoichi knock to the Hokage's Office and Hiruzen immediately let him in.

Inoichi saw the two people that looks like Fukaku and Minato making him awe at the same time shock.

Hiruzen already know why Naruto summon Inoichi here. He is not stupid not dump not to know.

"Inoichi, I need you to take me inside his head and let us read his memories to have enough for us to have a lot of advantages," Hiruzen said. Inoichi nodded and hold Naruto's head. A faint green glow on his hand started to show.

Sasuke and Hizuren hold Inoichi's shoulder as they enter Naruto's Mind scape.

Inoichi knitted his brow as he saw the mindscape of Naruto. It was too organize and not messy just like the others. There is a lot of doors and everything was full of white.

Usually, Inoichi will saw the Brain of their mind scape then, as he read their mind, scrolls will fall down in the brain.

"This Mind scape is unique and rare. I did not know that there is this kind of Mind scape," Inoichi Commented.

"Are you usually go here? It was like a house," Inoichi ask again.

"Yeah, one of the reason why I have these mind scape is because of my Tenant. I also have a strong will and mind thats why I can manipulate my own mind scape unlike the others," Naruto explain.

Both Hiruzen and Inoichi try to look around while Sasuke just follow them. He was often here and usually become their meeting hall before if they are usually far from each other. All the Konoha 13 have an access here since they had an important position.

Naruto lead them to his Memory Room where Inoichi can access everything.

"So lets begin," Inoichi immediately do the technique and the Memories begun to play.

Inoichi saw how Naruto often bullied when he was only 4 was beaten badly specially to his birthday. He saw how the Villiager ridicule him.

"So, you are Naruto, in Future?" Inoichi concluded. He probably learn how to analyse situation because of Nara Shikaku.

"Yes," Naruto said without a hesitation.

They saw how Sasuke and Naruto fight, how they graduate, how Naruto almost turn into darkness but had been save because of Iruka, how he stole the forbidden scroll, how the team 7 form, how Naruto prank to Kakashi because he was late.

Even how the land of wave's mission happen. The Chunnin Exam where Orochimaru put Sasuke his Upgraded curse mark. How Hiruzen died by sealing the two reanimated First and Second Hokage and how Tsunade become the Fifth Hokage.

"I did not know that Orochimaru could do this," Hiruzen said regretly.

How Sasuke lose his control and become a missing nin.

"So Sasuke become rouge? I'm not surprise since he was too obssess to kill Itachi," Inoichi commented.

Sasuke just shrugged and admit defeated to what they say. He knows that they only telling the truth.

They saw how Naruto leave the Konoha with Jiraiya and started his for 3 years.

They saw how determine Naruto is and how young he was when he master the Sage Mode.

Hiruzen and Inoichi can't help but to be amaze on how Naruto still continue to live and be a good man despite of everything.


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