Chapter 8・Memories

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When Lucy saw his smile, her head started to hurt and stumbled a little. Natsu grabbed a hold of her before she fell down.

"Try and catch me Natsu! Cause' I bet you can't!" she started to hear. "I'm faster than you and you know it!" she heard another voice say. Lucy then heard laughter in her mind. "I-I'm hearing things in my head. I-it won't stop," she said and fell to the ground covering her ears.

Natsu had a worried look in his face. He felt like he couldn't do anything. He felt useless because he knows he couldn't make her feel better. So he did something unexpected that no one knew he could do.

He hugged her.

Lucy stopped hearing the voices, instead, she heard his heartbeat and felt his warmth. "I've felt this warmth before that my brother didn't have. Were have I felt it?" Lucy thought to herself. "Sorry if I'm doing this, I don't know what to do. And this is the only way I know," Natsu said with his head down. "Thank you, you've helped me so much today," she replied and hugged him back.

Natsu's face suddenly flushed and broke their hug and exited the room quickly, covering his face. " I guess he didn't want me to hug back," Lucy said saddened. "It's been a long time since he's hugged someone. You're really special Lucy, always stay by his side ok?" Gray said and followed Natsu. Lucy got confused of what he said, but shrugged it off. "We'll be together forever. I promise." And that was the last voice she heard from that day.

Natsu's POV

Why the hell did I just run out like that!? God I'm so stupid! My face was still red from a moment ago. Why am I even blushing? She's my best friend. And we've hugged before and this never happened most of the time. Wait... most!? Did this happen before? I started to try remembering things of when Lucy and I hugged.

"My brother's coming! You have to go now," little Lucy said. "Aww do I really have to? I can just meet him and we can stay longer together," I whined. "You know why I can't let you and him meet. If I hug you will you go?" she asks "I'll take it!" I said cheerfully and we came close together and hugged each other.

As I hugged her, her scent came to my nose. "You smell like fuji apples and vanilla orchids," I mumbled and my cheeks started to heat up. "Wait, what?... Never mind that, N-Natsu? You're starting to heating up," Lucy chuckled a little and broke the hug. "I-i'll get going now. See you tomorrow!" I said waving goodbye and covering my face.

"Ugh I did! But that's probably one time!" I complained. Then I started to remember other moments.

After a few more memories of our hugs, I realized that I was mostly blushing every time that we hugged. "I thought it was only a few," I sulked. "Oi flame spewer! Stop sulking and less blushing," I heard Gray call out. "I wasn't blushing! And who are you calling flame spewer, droopy eyes!" I insulted back. "Droopy eyes! My eyes aren't even droopy!" he yelled and flames started to form around me and cold air started surrounding him.

"You wanna go tobasco idiot!?"

"Yeah I wanna go shaved ice princess!"

"I'll beat your ass!"

"Are you sure it's mine? Because I'm pretty sure it's yours!"

"What's this yelling all about?" I heard behind Gray and I. "Do we even dare turn around?" Gray asked. "Nope," I replied and we both ran away because we know that we're doomed.

Gray and I ran at our fastest speed, but we were to slow for her. "What did I say about fighting?" she said "To not ever fight and always get along," Gray and I said in unison.

We were now sitting on the ground getting a lecture from Erza. "Right, and if I ever catch you, once again, you're going to have to give me strawberry cake, baked with your own hands. And if it's not good, I'll spank you," Erza said pointing at us and we both nodded.

"Now hug," she commanded. "What?!" we both said in shock. "You want to bake cake instead? Because I would love that," she said with a smirk. We knew we didn't want that, because we were both bad at making food. "You ready to be 'hugged'?" I asked. And when I said 'hugged' I meant crushing his bones till I hear them crack. "I'm ready to 'hug' you if that's what you meant," he replied with a pissed off look.

We spreaded our arms and crushed each other. I guess we we're thinking the same thing. "Good, I like to see you guys getting along. Now I'll get going to buy some cake and kick criminal ass," Erza said and left.

"I'll crush you," I said with venom in my voice.

"Same here," he said with the same tone of voice.


I'll end this chapter here and I hope you guys liked it. In my opinion I thought this chapter was a little boring. Sorry if it was boring ._. I wanted to make it a little interesting. I'll try to make the next one better and interesting.

At least there was a bit interesting side, which was Natsu and Gray fighting, or some other parts you found interesting.

I also want to say thank you for 1k views. I couldn't believe how much people read my story T_T *tears of joy* thank you guys so much! >.<

And I'll see you guys in the next one. Jāmatane! ^~^

Lost Princess and the Dragon Prince|Nalu|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz