"Now now dear, we don't want your father hearing that now do we?" she told her daughter as she tapped her nose. Her daughter nodded and reached for her mother's earrings again. Lilith moved her head in attempts to pry them away from the girl's hands.

"No sweetheart. You can't touch them. They are very special to mommy. They are from your auntie Eda."

"Owl Lady?" She asked quizzically. Of course.

"Daddy may say that auntie is a bad woman but there is more to people than just their criminal records" she said matter of factly. Putting her finger up in the air to make a point.

Amity continues to coo in confusion as she didn't understand what her mother was implying. Lilith sighs in defeat.

"Would you like to go play with Willow?" She asked the brunette, changing the subject. Amity nodded excitedly at the mention of her friend. "Alright, lets go to the gardens then."

— x —

"WILLOW!" Amity cried, running towards her friend. Lilith chased the girl with worry.

"CAREFUL AMITY!" She yelled after her. Amity did not seem to pay any mind to her mother and continued to run to the garden. When Willow caught sight of her, she ran towards her as well.

"Ami!" She cried. The two hugging each other as a greeting. They later ran to the field of sunflowers, playing make believe and taking turns playing Azura she assumed.

"Clawthorne! Back on the field!" Cried a male from the rose bushes. It's an inside joke between them, a throwback to their youth years on the grudby field. She rolls her eyes at the buff man. His boots are muddy with fertilizer and his gloves are stained and worn from years of hard work. Yet there is a youthful spark in his eyes that seemed to captivate everyone.

"Morning to you too Park." she said teasingly. It was not the name he was born with, rather the name he had recently married into. He blushed as he pushed his glasses up, rubbing his neck in embarrassment. Lilith doesn't have many friends, but she's glad Samuel is one of them.

"How is Willow?" she asks. Samuel shakes his head affectionately. "My little girl is growing up. Almost ready for Hexside."

Lilith chuckles lightly. "Hexside huh?"

Samuel raises his eyebrow, but his smile never falls. "Scared your daughter will see you with your old hair and glasses?" he's teasing her again.

Lilith covers her face in slight embarrassment and laughs. "Heavens no! I quite liked my old hair actually. Why? You scared to have your daughter know you lost to me during grudby season?" she jabs him in the shoulder to make a point. He lets out a loud laugh and bows exaggertavely.

"Wouldn't dream of it your majesty."

-- x --

Nightfall had come but Amity's excitement did not seize. She continued to be energetic as ever, something Lilith wished she still had.

"Come on dear, you can play tomorrow. For now we have to go night night."

Amity pouted. "Night night?" she asked sadly.

"Yes, night night. It's late my dear." Lilith says as she brings the sheets up to her shoulders. She strokes her brown locks and kisses her cheek. Amity laughed as she did. "Tickles!" she said joyously. Lilith doesn't remember ever hearing something so sweet.

Lilith smiles and tucks the girl in bed. "Song or story?" she asked. Every night before she went to bed, Amity got to pick whether she wanted to hear a story, or a song.

Heavy is the Head that Wears the CrownWhere stories live. Discover now