
Start from the beginning

"i know, that's why i have to build one, with magic!"

"oh, god no. just let me help you," the hispanic sighed, causing leo to jump and down before he cleared his throat.

"that would be wonderful, thank you. i'm still going to use the magic kit i got off the internet, though," he pulled out a deck of cards from his pocket.

"okay, you know what? you do magic, and i'll help you after you fail. i have other places to be, so, adiós."

"i'm not going to fail!"

"uh huh, keep telling yourself that, kevin hart."

ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ

"i'm so glad we're not doing the talent show this year," ariana ran her hand through her red locks, the others agreeing except for lauren, who just looked confused.

"perry has forced us each time so far, because we make the school look good somehow," jenna leaned against the lockers.

valerie opened her mouth, but before any noise came out, she was dragged away by her twin brother.

"who's the guy hanging around bree?" he mumbled.

"wouldn't you like to know."

"duh, that's why i'm asking!"

"you really are an idiot, aren't you?" valerie glared at chris. the boy glared back, taking step forward.

at the slight movement, valerie flinched, causing chris' scrunched up fist to loosen and he moved back.

"i'm sorry," he murmured.

"i have to go to the davenport's," valerie whispered, her grip on her backpack tightening as she rushed out of the building and to her car. after catching her breath, she started it and made her way over to the mansion.

when she was about to knock, she heard voices. she paused, should she eavesdrop?

oh, who are we kidding, of course she should. it probably won't be anything she hasn't heard yet.

once she realized it was just owen ranting about the talent show, val rolled her eyes and barged in.

"oh, she can—-you just let her walk in?" owen asked, seeming quite startled. there was another emotion he was feeling, but val couldn't lay her finger on it.

"yeah, she's friends with basically the whole family," bree shrugged. "what are you doing here? the boys are gone, and i'm pretty sure we didn't plan anything."

"uh, yeah, mister davenport wanted to see me for some reason," val clicked her tongue, nodding and walking out of the entrance room, down the hallway where she snuck away and got into the elevator.

before she got too far, she heard bree whisper the word 'friends' and turned around, spotting the younger girl discreetly glancing over her shoulder.

"what?" owen asked.

"oh, nothing. keep going."

proteus ~ bree davenportWhere stories live. Discover now