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Co-translator : ChocoCharol

The Angel and His Chubby Lover

Chapter 14

“Huh… Hmm… “I can only blink several times. After hearing what Panjai just said, thankfully I sit, and Panjai is still looking at me, he raises his hand to gently touch the side of my face.
“Don’t make this kind of face…”
There’s ringing sound in my head that makes me just gulp my saliva and don’t dare to move. I still hold my breath, can’t even look at screen laptop now.
The movie on the screen is keep playing. Personally, I can’t stop thinking about what just happened.
What do you mean with…
“Hah.” “Hmm… “
“When I talk…”
“Please say something.”
My body initially sit towards the laptop screen, now I need to move my body so I can properly look at him, where he is also staring at me first. My body feels hot and I can’t speak for what just happen, can only being statue like this. I can’t even ask him to explain more about what he just said.
To be honest, this feels like seeing what I like…
Panjai is just like me…
No, but not like this…
I can’t think further, can only look at the guy beside me. In the end, I say something in very low voice to ruin the atmosphere.
“Oh…What’s wrong?”
“What’s is your favorite story?”
“Pan likes Klua.”
(T/N : I think we can assume Pan said this.)
“Hah… Ha…”
“I am talking serious.”
“I like you…” I feel like falling out of shocked because what I just heard. It’s the sign of the absurdity. But not sure, because I never think he will like me. People like me? Who is fat and also a guy. If I am a fat and a girl, that still can make sense.
Oh… Is that right?
“Don’t believe it?”
“You are not pretending to like me because you are being asked to prank me, right?”
“I am not pretending!” Panjai quickly deny that and raise my head to look at him again. Now, he looks at me with unhappy expression.
“Back then, how can Klua can be teased by others? But remember, Panjai will never tease man name Klua!”
“Do you believe that?”
“Believe it… Believe it…” I quickly said that to Panjai, I have bad feeling about this. And I trust him more than anyone.
But… about like this…
Like a being friend?
“I like Panjai too.”
“Hah…” I feel like I am going to say something, but there’s only silence and wide eye.
“Pan is too good for me, you always there to help me. You help me so much, I don’t even know how to say thanks.”
“Pan is very good friend…”
“What are you going to say…”
“I say…”
“No need to repeat it.” Suddenly Panjai interrupts me so I look at him confusedly. Before the other guy looks away and swears softly, “say it nicely, why…”
But I can hear…
I am holding my own hand right now to suppress that fleeting happiness. I do admit that my heart beats so fast after hearing what Panjai said. And quietly the happiness seeps to my heart. But now I think he’s mad at me. It could be for any reason.
“Pan angry with me?”
“No, just frustrated…”
“I am sorry.”
“Sorry for what? You didn’t do any mistake.” Said the guy beside me without even looking at me. He seems very pissed. “Just frustrated with myself, for cannot saying that in firm tone.”
“Even if I am being honest with you and say that I like you, you won’t still believe it.”
“I am mad.” Panjai now turns his body on me and sit still, putting like a child. It makes me smile with his behavior. I reach my hand to touch his back.
“I am better now.”
“Are you sure?”
“It’s okay, Klua. Let’s continue to watch the movie.”
His soft tone with under subtext on it can not makes me stop looking at him or continue to watch the movie. I can only look his back now. But my heart feels so strange. It doesn’t make any sense, but I don’t dare to talk about it or ask about this to anyone.
“Pan, do you want to watch your favorite movie? You can choose which one. No need to force yourself to watch animation movie. Honestly we can watch anything.” I said this hopefully can fix his mood. But the other guys is still quiet. So I take something from my pant, it’s a candy. “Do you want to eat candy? Eating candy can help make a better mood?”
“I don’t want to eat it…” the sound of his answer still indicates he’s still in bad mood. I don’t know how to make his mood better, before next, he moves his body, sigh and lean on his back. He looks at me a moment before look at his laptop. “It’s okay, we can watch this.”
I see the guy beside me who just said “it’s okay, never mind” and looking at his screen now, but his face doesn’t seem match with his words.
Ah, how do I fix this?
“Yeah…” there’s some answer but doesn’t do much
“If Pan doesn’t watch the movie, you can do anything else.”
“It’s okay, you can watch it.”
“I want to make Panjai’s mood better.”
“Do you know that I am mad at Klua?”
“Ah… should be…”
“And do you know why?” asked the guy beside me, makes me now can not find the right answer. I choose to avoid his stare.
“You don’t need to answer it. It’s okay. No need to think about it much.”
“How come? You seem still angry.”
“If there’s anything I could help to make you feel better, please let me know.” I said that voluntarily. Because I don’t really like it when he is angry like this. To be honest, from Panjai’s point of view, he might think I only like him when he’s only in good mood.
“sigh…” When he looks at me, he sighs again. Now we are face to face, we forget about the movie that we watch.
“DO you really want to help?”
“Yeah, If I can help, I will be glad.”
“Okay, you can help me then.” I nod after hearing his words. I smile widely because at least I can help Panjai to make his mood better.
“Stay like this.”
I answer using my nod and kneel down I front of him. I am who initially frowning and smiling with enthusiasm. He reaches to hold my cheeks.
“Let me play with your cheeks…”
(T/N : I am ded. Panjai has thing for chubby cheeks. So cute.”
“Ah now my mood is feeling better.”
(T/N : Now we are entering Panjai’s Point of View)
(Panjai POV)
“How are you doing? The room looks so pink, it’s good.” Loud noise can be heard from someone. I am in the middle of reading my comic book at the sofa, watching a guy just enters the room.
“This bad mood frustrating me.”
(T/N : Fang is being sarcastic.)
“Shut up!”
“Oh, Buddy. Is there anything that Fang can help?”
“No, just help yourself.”
“Help my self and fall, like this.”
“How did you know I fall and unstable?”
“Oh, how long do you think we have been friend?” You’re too young to die. If it goes well, you will sit and smiling, look at the ceiling right now!”
(T/N : Fan can guess the confession is failed. Haha)
Me who listen Fang’s words doesn’t know what to say, because he knows my personality better than anyone. I better run from this provocateur.
“Come and consult with me! I know you never flirt with anyone before. You can see me as an example. Flirting with Dream and soon make her as my girlfriend.”
“Don’t toy with me.”
“Oh, this guy will help you.”
“Klua is not like Dream. I don’t need to learn from you.” Said by me while pondering. No need to guess. Lots of people know that I like Klua. But only the subject of the story who only see me as a friend and like him as a friend only. So yeah, sadly, the way I tell him also just like a friend does.
Very hurt…
I haven’t finished reading my comic but I put it down. I look at my own hand and can’t help but smiling. Today, Klua who’s trying to makes me feel better let me play with cheeks for an hour. Till his feet felt numb, but he never complained. In the end, I make him do something, till my frustration is gone. I need to appreciate that soft and cute cheeks. These people consider me as a ‘good friend’.
Why push myself?
“Ah yeah, it’s up to you then, how you fight for it. But I think a first love is always imperfect, haha.”
“I will go to the party. See you later, buddy.”
That annoying guy stand up and ready to fight, throwing his back on the upper bunk bed. And then he quickly goes out again. Leave me who still sit at the bed.
Damn it…
What should I do to make him believe me?
I can’t sleep after what happen. I can not accept easily the fact that I fail at do things I never do before. I remember how Klua’s naïve face when he thought I like him only as a friend, but I can’t push him to tell more. I am scared it will spook him. Even if after I said that, he only raised his shoulder, I thought it should be better than that?
How many more people that I should let them see…
There’s new notification on my phone till I’m pissed so I ignore it. But now I choose to look at it and ignore everything. So many notifications from blue app.
Maybe I need to change to Line.

Gunchai : I just arrived at home. Mom also stop by for dinner. Mom bought some desserts for you, it’s a brownie. I will give them to you tomorrow.
Gunchai : sending picture of brownies

I saw the message and the photo and I feel little bit happy.
Little, because I don’t like dessert. Honestly not that food in the photo. But I am secretly happy knowing that Klua’s mom bought that especially for me.

Gunchai : But if you don’t like it, wait tomorrow I will eat them for you. I have to eat them at university, because I already ate one, if mom knows that, she will be sad and doesn’t want to buy you any dessert anymore.

I read those long messages from Klua. Can’t help but smiling. Today he talks to me lot more than usual. He is still trying to make me feel better, even stop watching his favorite movie.
Damn it, I really like him…
Even when he’s older than me for two years, but it’s only two years.
Before, I honestly surprised with Klua’s age. Maybe because I never really ask. I thought he might be one year older, because he is accepted first. He looks the same age as me. At the first time meeting, I think that I want to help and take care of him, but now he’s two years older.
This age

Panjai : Say my thanks to Auntie.
Gunchai : Okay.
Panjai : Give me your Line.
Gunchai : Sure…

I receive his Line after that conversation. I successfully add him. Now my empty Line contact is ready to use. I set up the photo as my profile picture. It’s the picture of fat hamster. I take them somewhere randomly. After that, I add other contacts. I see Klua’s profile picture is black cat with unfriendly look.
My hamster looks cuter.

Panjai : Hi!
Klua ._. : Yeah
Panjai : What are you doing?
Klua ._. Just touch down my room. Take a batch. Now watching cartoon and sleep.
Panjai : Just that?
Klua ._. : Yeah

Me who reads this conversation repeatedly with frustrated feelings. I don’t think my name even come up in his mind today.
Don’t talk like this to you?

Klua ._. : Actually not only that.

Me who initially sits lazy around, now after watching the reply, feels so excited. Even though, I don’t think Klua thinks about me.
But it’s just little hope.

Panjai : What?
Klua ._. : To be honest with Dream, so there’s nothing to complain tomorrow.

Now I am truly frustrated. Not like before, I can only stare at the screen, without any intention to reply. Because I don’t know how to answer. Scared that he unintentionally shows that he’s hurting someone.
Damn it, I feel like in serious trouble, feels like broken hearted…

Klua ._. : What Panjai do?
Panjai : Do nothing.
Klua ._. : Ah, I will take shower first.
Panjai : Um

I watch the chat because I don’t know how to continue this conversation. I don’t know whether after showering, he will continue to watch cartoon then fall asleep? Or should I say sweet dream to him?
But I still want to talk more

Panjai : After shower, still want to chat or not?
Klua ._. : Talk with Panjai
Panjai : Um
Klua ._. : If only you’re not bored with me first
Klua ._. : Feels like Panjai is normal again. Watching move and can talk casually.

Klua doesn’t seem really think about he just said. Makes me read it again and again. I can’t help but smiling. Talking with me considered as his daily activities, it becomes his habit.
I am not broken hearted yet…

Panjai : Faster
Panjai : Nostalgia

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