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Co-translator: nenoneno2792

“ mom. . .”
“ hei. . . nong klua”
“ which cool clothes will match to klua?” I said, I am now walking around the house after my mather picked me up from the college, most likely I don’t know what’s inside my mind to go tomorrow.
But, I won’t deny it.
“ hm. . . is there something bothering you?”
“ hm. . .it’s . .klua will be going out tomorrow with friend, that’s why I wanna look good on his eyes”, I said honestly, staring at my mom with her eyes opened widely, before mom approaches me
“ my pig fatty will go on date” mather said with her smile that shows sign of surprised and fun too, before I am immediately shaking my head. But, she seems believe me, “ where will you introduce your friend to me ?”
“ not a girl, and I also won’t go dating”
“hm . . .”
“ panjai asked me to go out tomorrow”

“ . . .”

“ uh. . . like friend. . . “  I said with the small voice while ignoring my mother’s eyes which I don’t know why I have to do this but her eyes who standing in front of me can make me feel  so embarrassed.

“ ah . . .”

Why it seems that you don’t trust me.

" A ... Uh ... "

“ wait, mae will find a clothes for you “

“ thank you “
“ my pig fatty who wears any clothes will look so cool “

“ . . . “

“Trust it on my hand “

“ yellow rabbit? “

The first word from panjai makes me feel so embarrassed until I want cover my face because of it. After yesterday, I asked mother to help me choosing clothes. My mother immediately took a short-sleeved yellow hoodie, hat, and bowtie.

How cool is it . . .

“ mom chose it “ I am telling the truth, because I don’t want panjai laughing at me which he didn’t tell me directly. For me, it just makes my head down. Today we meet in front of the college where my mom voluntary drives me to that place and making panjai greets her because my mom seems so happy about the fact that there is a friend at the college asking me out.

Hm . . . really, today he seems so handsome using casual t-shirt which is covered with a long-sleeved black shirt while for the pants, he has long legs so that they are only slightly above the knee.

“ more like a rat than a rabbit “

" Hah ... Hm ... "

“ never mind” panjai said before he grabs my rabbit hat, make me staring at him until the other party finishes giving me a hat with ears and “ go together”

" Ugh "

I nodded casually before heading out to hail a cab. Which I, standing in the shade for a moment, called me out as the taxi pulled up. Makes me rush out, so I open the door and wait for him to enter first. Followed by a tall figure on the side. Not long ago, the two of us were in a cool air-conditioned cab, and the place where I want to go was a department store near the university, so I, who didn't hang out with friends often, was secretly excited at heart.

“ have you eaten?”

“ just a simple breakfast”, because I am the one who can’t stand without breakfast. He nodded, Which is now approaching noon And I believe that today I can definitely sit down and eat rice with all my heart, even though I often sit at university. But the feelings may not be the same, "and still want to eat more?”

“ yups . . . “

“ then let’s go grab some food “

“ um, do you wanna eat something ?”

“ anything “

“ you choose it “

“ not for us but for panjai “

“ me, ? anything . . .”

“ but . . . “

"Then go ahead and choose. “Panjai decided to cut our conversation, when he saw that I wouldn't accept it either. Before I nod and look nervously out the window, even if it's just a lunch debate. Shortly the cab took us to our destination. Making him pay and leave first, he stood at the door waiting for me to follow.

“Car fee ..."

"Come on, it’s hot," said Panjai, who cut in before he goes out to take me in. the sun is really hot at this time,  Made me easy to follow him. Not long after, the cool air inside the mall made me smile. But, for a moment, he had to cover his mouth as the person accompanying him turned his head to look, "It's hot, right?"

"Ugh cold"

I said it when he asked. I also like the cool weather , and when I entered my mood improved. Before that,  Panjai who turned its attention to me, spoke softly.

"Do something first ..."

"Are you going to eat? Pan hasn't eaten here."

"Didn't you just eat? Are you hungry?"

"Actually, at eight o'clock but you can eat first. it will make you catch a cold"

" Not at all. "

"You're going to have a stomach ache."

" Never "

"Ah ..."

"Worried about me?" Panjai's question made me feel at first that I didn't know what to say next. Lifting my head to look at him. What the other party didn't show until I don't know what he thinks about, the question that he asked me

Maybe asking because I'm too busy with him.

Or maybe he just wanted to know.

I am thinking hard about the question from a person in front of me because I didn't know how to answer it. In the end, I just nodded at the fact I thought I was worried about him.

Stomachache because of hunger wasn’t a funny thing.

"So let's go to the movies and eat," said the person who stands next to me,  Making me look at it again Before I nod. Overall, mj’s  trip with friends today is to eat and watch movies.

Very happy

"Pan is the first friend who invited me to watch a movie"


" Thank you "

I say it because it tastes really good. Mentioning it for the first time. I used to go to the movies with my mother for a long time. But never came with friends even once. It must be Panjai who chose to invite me to come.

Very good ...

“What do you want to watch?” The person next to me turned his head to ask after the two of us walked over to the sign of the upcoming film event, allowing me to just look ahead and frowned.
Ah ... what's good?

"Actually we can watch anything ..."

"Choose whatever you like, "

"Ah ..."

I was now thinking hard when I was looking at today's film selection board, but looked at the picture before my eyes got bigger when I saw that there was a cartoon that I remember becoming a trend. Before that I turned around to look at the person next to me who's looking forward to know, I wonder if he's interested in watching cartoons too, he'll see if I'm young or not

But I am two years older than him

"Can you think? "

"A ... Uh."

"Subject ...?"
“Ah… I want to see that one. I think before pointing to a cartoon that had just entered the theater for a few days and I have seen it, yet. But I think I'll wait and watch online because mom can’t go to watchit either. But when I said this, I hurriedly pulled my hand back and lowered my head when I saw that I felt like I had turned to follow him and fell silent,

"If you don't like it, I won’t ..."

"This is great. I want to see it too."

" Really? "

"Yes" he replied, I looked at him and smiled at the shop, Before I noticed,  the person next to me send a  smile, and it makes me feel a sizzling summer with his smile that isn't seen very often. However, before I have a chance to say something, he goes out to buy cinema tickets, leaving me with a dance heart in the same place.

I want to see it again ...

I ... What should I do to see it again ...

"I chose the second afternoon session. Let's eat and watch a movie."


" What? "

"Ah ... Ugh!" I, at first, saw his face as he spoke. Immediately nodded at Panjai's question and I just realized that he paid for my movie ticket again, "Panjai, the ticket ..."


"Well ..." I couldn't say anything because he seemed to know what to say. And here he has paid for me from the car and the ticket, then the food ... "So, can we eat rice?"

"Today I will pay for it myself. I am the one who invited you."

"Ah ..." I could only watch him speak as he put a movie ticket in his pocket but, I think most of the friends who invite me on trips are like babysitters. "So, next time we take turns , right Panjai?"

"Next time," my question made me raise my eyebrows in surprise. So I nodded lightly. Before I could even see the smile I wanted to see it once again from sight. Even if it's only for a moment But I think I've seen it again, "OK."

"U ... Ugh!"

" Next time ... "


"How about this week?"

"A ... Eh ..."

"How is it, can you travel again?"


"Or not having fun with ..."

"Yes, on Sunday ..." I nodded hurriedly when I saw what I thought I would say like that. I had fun and was happy that I was going with him. And again will be good at least there "so we invite a few people."


"Uh ... This week ..."


"Can you take a trip with me again?"

Feeling today's trip will go well Because after Panjai and I ate together with a simple menu Continue watching the cartoon which I chose and made Panjai say he also wants to watch it which is just as fun as I think it makes me smile ever since I left the theater. And now I talk nonstop. In hand, there is vanilla ice cream that should eat it.

"It was as fun as I thought. At first we just saw a passing sample. Intended to be viewed online. When you came to see it on the big screen. So excited!"


"I'm happy to support Thai cartoons too. Thank you very much. It invited me to come today"


"This is very fun. "


"Going out with Pan, it's been fun and very happy," I said before turning around to smile broadly. Giving him what he wants which makes Panjai stops for a while, but in the end he smiles back at me . But a moment later, he will choose to turn around, so I can't help it.

I want to see him again. Am I going to be addicted? ...

I thought of something fun at first before I had to stop walking immediately when my eyes collided with a very cute little bakery and the delicious dessert menu that really caught my eye.

Wa ... another day ...

I can stop by and eat!

" Want to eat? The voice of the person beside me. When he asked, I turned my eyes away from the pink shop that I saw , Make myself shut up my mouth, I don’t know answer it, because the ice cream that someone else bought is still in my hands, "Eat? I will buy it."

"Ah ..."

" What? "

"U ... Ugh!"

I was trying to hold back but finally accepted and nodded my head, I made my way to the pastry shop. I'm so happy now. Then go order a delicious colorful cake menu with a set of green iced tea, not to mention he doesn't eat with me at all. When I got what I wanted, I returned to the table with a very happy expression which makes Panjai sit and watch me eat quietly. And that's just what I thought. He drew a lot of attention of people around us, but I didn't know if it was because he was coming with me or not.

If he came alone, would be more people approach him ? ...

"This ..."

"Hmmm ..." I put the cake into my mouth and looked at the person opposite. Previously I had hurriedly put down the spoon and listened to him carefully.

"I can't eat that"

"Ah ..." nodded and took the spoon and continued to put the cake to my mouth.

"to say,  there is enough time. Can we go together?"

"Go ...?"


"There is one place I want you to go with me " Where do you want to go together? ...

Swimming pool ...

Panjai actually took me to the pool.

I am now looking at the person who has brought me to a big sign board Which would tell us when to open and close, has to look down and feel ashamed

He also doesn't like it when I'm so fat ... "Will bring swimming"


" What is that? "


"What is it, Klua? "Calling me with my name,  made me look at someone else. Which makes Panjai looks at me suspiciously at my attitude now.

"Yes ... Next time we wouldn’t eat much then ..."


"Pan doesn't want us to be fat, right? But I'm already fat ..."

"you think something like that," the person who asked the question, frowned slightly, made me lower my head to avoid his gaze. And feel very embarrassed. Because today I eat a lot in front of him, I organize many things. "Just take it for exercise. So you don't get sick easily"


“ if you afraid to slim, then eat again I can accept that, you can eat whatever you want, and nobody will forbid you “


“ and you have to exercise”

Panjai’s words made me looking at him, and his eyes made me notices that he didn’t lie. He doesn’t like it when I am fat.

But he just worried about me.

“ thank you, if you want me to be thin, then I’ll try it, try. . . “

“ you don’t have to be thin “

“ . . . . .”

“ however you are right now, still the best on my eyes. . .” his words made me couldn’t take the attention from a person who stands in front of me. I just realized that I am also good in his eyes.

“ panjai also good for me”

And the time has arrived since now. . . .

The Angel And His Chubby Lover (English Translation)Where stories live. Discover now