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(Panjai’s pov)

Why aren't you here yet?

Today I came earlier than usual to come and wait for the person I like to come every morning. For fear of other people being lonely or having to sit down and eat by themselves. But today is a very strange day when Klua hasn't reached university yet. It should be a long time ago. And I, who had been waiting like this for quite a while, chose to press the phone to call the other party. But no one accepted it. When I opened Facebook I noticed that it wasn't online a few hours ago. As for that Line, there were no signs of reading

Where are you going?

I looked at the phone hoping the other person would respond. But it doesn't seem like what I expected. Before getting up and walking into the university, there are now more people at the bus stop. When I walked in, I saw that he was sitting and eating. I walked over to him immediately.
"Oh is he here?"

I don't like pronouns that other people call. Before dropping down, sit across from him and try to forget what he heard. While asking more questions

"Why hasn't Klua arrived yet?"

"I don't know. Tried calling and asking."

"Call and send Line and say hello to Facebook."

" Then? "

"Not receiving, not answering"

"Ah ..." The person opposite put down the spoon thought, "She might get sick ..."

“It hurts?” I saw Dream who was now looking at me. He looked back at me before sighing.

"Oh, Klua. I told you not to be sick"

"Why is he sick?"

"Yesterday it rained"

" What is wrong ... "

"He volunteered to go shopping for the Phis' needs when he got back there, but it was raining until he was wet."


"Better call immediately."

The person opposite only said that before continuing to eat. As for me, I'm starting to feel restless. Because I don't know if Klua is sick like that, and if it hurts, what happens? I've seen him hurt. And it's a story that keeps him disappearing for weeks.

Hopefully it's not too heavy ...

Looks like Klua has disappeared. It makes me who is now starting to get stressed because I am so worried about other people. Just sit back and hit the phone. Without even sending a lot of messages But I just hope it will get a response. Because it's already past lunch time

“Relax, maybe he sleep and rest.” Dream's words made me look away from the phone and see other people's faces. "It's been a long time I asked, but he didn't answer"

"Pretty funny, right?"

I frowned before sighing. Because I'm not in the mood to sit down to play with the other party. So I can only call the phone numbers of the one who are out of school today . But didn't answer. Line application has new messages before. And I immediately opened it. The name of the message owner loosened all the knots in my brows before rushing to open and read.

Klua . _. : Sorry I didn’t answer. I  sick

I read the message that was sent. And it is in accordance with what the Dream said. Right now, he’s probably resting at home. Shit, I was worried about that ...
Panjai : does it still hurt?

Klua . _. : No it’s gone already.

Panjai : Really?

Klua . _. : Hmm, don’t worry.

Panjai : Can I make a call?

Klua . _. : I coughed. Can only speak a little. Sorry

Klua . _. : But I’ll get well soon.

I can read the messages he sent, but only worried about other people. But i realized that he couldn’t do much. Only the other party received my attention like this.

Panjai : It’s okay,  get better soon

Klua . _. : Hmm, thanks, I’ll stop playing the phone.

Panjai : get plenty of rest, I’m worried.

Klua . _. : Yea ...

Panjai : Klua

Klua : what’s wrong?
Panjai : Can I call you again tonight?

Klua : Yes.

Panjai : Um, get well soon.

I told the others to recover quickly, and in my heart repeated this word over and over. As if praying that it really did. Where the other party can only answer stickers. So I sighed and put away the phone. When I lifted my head, I saw one more sight staring at me. Until I have to frown

“ Why you stare me like that? “

And when did it come from ...

“How’s  Klua?”

“he said he is getting better”

“Sigh, please be patient.”

Dream sighed with relief, his face was relieved. Before moving on to talk to his own lover. Fortunately, today the two of them no longer bother me. So that makes me live in peace. Which is good ...

But the bad thing is that there is no Klua here.
Sigh ...

“Pan, I’ll go outside”


“we will coming back late too”

“It’s up to you,” I answered without looking, then they walked over, sat on the bed and picked up the phone. Today is another day when I return to the room  late because I have to do errands with my seniors. Until the time has passed

“Damn,  pay attention to your friend”

The sound of my roommate’s protest made me look away from the phone to see the person who was now dressed up. And I know it just wants to bother me.

“You’re not that attractive.”

“Oh friend, don’t stress. Will you go with me?”

“It’s okay, thank you for inviting”

“All right, then I’ll go and do it. You’re really cold.”


“ See you later. “

“Well,” I saw the person waving his hand and walking out of the room. Until now, I was the only one who hadn’t taken care of myself after returning. Only the shoes were removed. Before opening the green application and sending a message to someone far away. Even if the other party might not answer. But at least I wanted to say hello.

We can meet tomorrow. Just reply me back ...

Rrrrrrr ~

My phone ring, There was a shocking incoming call, when I saw that the nickname was coming. This is the person I was just wanting to call a moment ago. And when I saw that, I didn’t delay to accept it immediately
“are you ok now?  “

{Your name is Panjai, right? } The voice that answered is not Klua. But it was the voice I remembered being someone else’s mother

{Yes aunty, i am Klua’s friend. May i talk with him }

{Klua is sick so he cant talk now. Aunty  see his phone and saw there were a lot of incoming calls. You are very concern about Klua}

“Yes, how is Klua now? Is he feel better?” I asked, though I was genuinely curious about why the owner of the phone didn’t pick up the call.

Please don’t make me more worry ...

{Now he’s in the hospital. I take Klua to the doctor. But now he’s back. Seeing you worried  about him this much , i would tell him about it, Klua feels guilty and fear that his condition make you uncomfortable . But don’t worry ...)

“ Mother “

{Hm ...}

“which Hospital he is in  now? ...”

I come to the hospital not far from Klua’s house. When I arrived, I saw a woman in work clothes sitting in front of the emergency room. So I walked towards her.

“Hello.” I made a voice to greet the person sitting there and raised my hand in salute

“Come and sit here”

I didn’t respond, but smiled at the woman in front of me. Which she smiled back too. Before I sit in the empty room, “How’s the Klua?”

“The doctor gave the medicine for him. He will  get better ...” she said smiling. But I can see that she cares more about Klua than I thought, too. “Klua was born fat since childhood, very cute, the cheeks are chubby. Anyone who sees someone will like to pinch him”

“Ah ... I can imagine ...”

“But unfortunately he has a congenital disease.”


“Klua is often like this. After a little rain, he can catch a cold. Coughs with phlegm and gets tired”

“Does he often sick?”

“yes. Maybe not just  because of rain. The weather changes. I told him to be careful not to catch a cold. Now Klua will be taking  for further treatment. Hoping to get better”

“I hope so “

“And where is your house? Do you want mother to send you back?”

“ It is okay. “

Because I won’t  returning home soon

Now I can see the door to the emergency room, but worry about the people inside. the door opens with a familiar figure . I haven’t seen him for a while , the patient is out with one of the nurses, and immediately get up to take a look. When Klua saw me, his eyes widened. He wouldn’t have thought that I would be here.

You said it’s not severe ...

“are you his mother ?”


“Today, doctors wanted him to stay in the hospital for one night to see whether the symptoms worsen or not.”


“Then please come down and do registration  of the hospital”

Klua’s mom following the nurse. Now, only me and the sick people remained. So I looked down at the person who was staring at me right now . Where he was breathing louder than usual

“Pa ... how did you get here? ...”

“by a taxi”

“Ngh ...” I saw the person who made a soft voice and coughed, who seemed pathetic. He was tired from exercising and it gaves him fatigue.
“Thank you for coming.”

The soft words that sounded and my body throbbed as he breath hard, he made me feel bad. Because I don’t want to see the person in front of me like this. Before I knew that he was sick and had been away for two weeks. When I saw him in this state , i realize that i like him so much and dont want him to be sick like this

“There’s no need to talk anymore. Talking makes you tired, you don’t have to say anything.”

I reached out and patted him gently. Klua  nodded in response

I said, “I’m very worried.”

I just said that. Before seeing that Klua’s mother had returned with one of the nurses who brought the sick person to the room. I silently followed behind until I reached the patient’s room. I can only see the situation from a distance until the sick person is already sitting on the bed. Soon, in the room there were only three people left.

“The doctor told Klua to stay over night to be observed. If he is fine,  he can go home tomorrow.”

“I want to sleep at home, i dont want to be here”

“What’s the matter? Let’s stay here . Mommy will  bring your things to here. You are not lonely, right?”

“But you have to work ...”

“Mother, can you take a leave for a moment.”

“I’m bothering mom again ...” The shaking voice of a sick person makes me want to come in and comfort him. But i can only stand looking at the them that hugging each other

“I don’t want to be sick”

“It will disappear soon. My chubby kid is strong. You can do it.”

“Yes ...”

I always see people who talk to their children with smiles, so I can’t help but admire them. I know he’s strong and Klua is lucky to have caring mom.

“Then mom will come back and get the clothes first. Your friend is so worried about you na my son.” Klua and his mom turn around to look at me. Klua smiled a little. I  only  able to smile back as the response.

But I still don’t think of turning back ...

“mom, you don’t need to come to see Klua everyday. Today mom should get rest, you has been taking care of Klua all day.”

“It’s okay. If i go home then you will be alone, I can’t bear to think it.”

“But Klua wants mom to rest. You can leave me alone”

“Mother will rest here. This big sofa is enough to make me sleep”

“But ...”

“Mom, can I take care of Klua for you?”

I can handle the warm atmosphere around them, watching two of them show worried about each other make me volunteer by myself.

“I ...”


“i bring some clothes for me,”

I said, showing the backpack with the clothes inside. Because before coming here. I  prepare myself just in case. I don’t think that it will actually be used.

“I’m afraid that take care Klua will bother you ...”

“It’s okay aunty. There’s no school tomorrow”

I am smiling at the middle-aged woman in front of me . As for Klua himself, it seems that he was taken aback when he heard me say that. So I went on to say, “And Klua, it will feel better if your mom get back to rest. Because she has been tired taking care of you all day.”

I said while looking at the sick person sitting with sincere eyes. And I can’t help but admit that even when he’s sick, this kid looks cute.

“I want you to rest ...” Klua said that before lowering his head. Before hugging his mother. His mother also holding his son while stroking his head. At least tonight I will keep an eye on the person I want to meet all night

“Then mom will come in the morning.”


“Mommy entrust Klua with you na. Please dont fighting and be good friends”

“ okay.” I smiled even though my heart didn’t smile. Good friends again ...

(** you want to be good lover right? Lol)

“have you eat? Want me to bring something to eat?”

“It’s okay. I’m not that hungry.”

“Talking like this, I am sure you havent eat for sure. So mom will go down and bought some food before going home. In return for your kindness”

“Thanks a lot,” I nodded. Because I don’t want to defy the good intentions of adults. Before the mother and his child separates.  the sick person sat down and watch his mother come out of the room with sad eyes. Soon in the room there are only Klua and me. When he turned around to look at me, he could only hide his sad eyes.  I walked over to pick up the clothes of sick person.  Klua made a scared face when i come close to him

“umm.. Can I change my pajamas?”

“ no “

I immediately answered, and I just noticed that the other person was wearing a cute duck pajama.

Shit ...

“then i will change by myself...”

“Okay, just stay still, arent you tired?”

“yes ...” The sick person didn’t argue, and lowered his head. I walk closer  near his bed. Before grabbing and lift his red face , our closeness made a gasping voice sounded up front. Klua looked back at me without saying anything.There are many words I want to say to him. But that words cannot be said. In the end, it comes out into only one setence, along with my lips that touching the forehead of other people

“Please ...”


“Don’t do reckless thing again”

I can’t  stop worry about him  ...

The Angel And His Chubby Lover (English Translation)Where stories live. Discover now