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Co-translator : ChocoCharol

Chapter 11
“Have you eaten yet?”

“Eat a bread.”

“Why you haven’t eat yet?”

“Ah…” I look at the one who just asked me the question. Before continue to munch the bread. Honestly bread doesn’t make me full for long. “I will eat again later.”

It seems Panjai is not satisfied with my answer, so he stands up and make me too. This is just another day we have breakfast together again.

“Are you going too?”

“I will go to buy some rice…”

“Buy it for me?”

“Uhm…It’s okay, you can buy it for yourself.” I think while looking at the guy in front of me. Thankfully, I can control my normal behavior and expression. Next, he brings me to go out. I just follow him silently. And then we arrive in Khao Yeng Restaurant. This is a famous lace so the queue is quite long. Finnally we have our turn. Both he and I have one plate of rice, “Miss, this rice…”


“What are you order?”

“Sauteed vegetables.”

“Ah…” I look at what’s food in Panjai’s plate, and silently going backwards, I don’t like veggie. He chooses only “very healthy” kind of food.

“What is your choice?”

“Fried pork.” I think while pointing at some items in the plate. It makes my heart bit weird and makes me smile. We proceed to buy some drink dan walk to find table. In the middle of walking, we need to stop when group of people come to say hi.

“Hi, Pan…” They say hi to Panjai


“Hello.” I smile to the girls in front of me. They just look at me quickly and back to look at Panjai who stands beside me, so I also turn to look at him who seems knowing well this group of people. “Let’s find some place to sit to put this plate.”

“It’s okay, I can find them by myself…”

“Wait a minute, we can do it together. Just really a second.”

“I will go first.”

“Guaranteed. Not much later than five minutes.”

“No lah, haha.” I look at these group of girls who seems desperate, as if asking for my help (to make Panjai stays with them). It makes me don’t know what to do, but walking backwards little. One of the girls pulls my hand and whispering,

“We want to have a talk with Panjai a moment. Can you go first?”


“Let’s have a talk.”

I saw some people walking backwards. And then I also saw one set of eyes who stare at me and making a frown, so I continue to walk. One of these people try to grab his arms.

“Let go!”

Oh..he sounds angry.

I avoid his frustrated looks, and quickly walk to the table. After arrive at the table, I take a breath of relief to be able escape from the previous commotion.

But I should wait for Panjai right? He should be back any minute…

I saw him nervously. It doesn’t seem he won’t be able to leave that groupie easily. When I look back at my table, I found someone has been sitting in here too.

Eh… Does he get in the wrong table?

I look at beside me. There’s my bag and the opposite side, there’s also Panjai’s bag. I am pretty sure I am not the one who’s at wrong table.

“Uh..Do you come to this table to meet with Panjai?”

“I come for Klua.”

“Come for me…”I surprised with his answer. I am pretty sure I don’t know the boy in fron of me. But he calls my name correctly.

“Ah…I forget to introduce myself. P’Phet, second year student, with code line 0043.”

(*Phet in English is Diamond)


“Mmm.” The guy in front of me smile until his eyes so closed like when he yawns. Personally, I can only frown while I think about this information, and then I open my eyes wide.

“I am 00043.”

(T/N : Duh, Klua so slowpoke.)

“Yes, Nong 0043, me P’ 0043.”

(T/N : for non SOTUS watchers/readers or any first timer reading Engineering novel, in Engineering, they have code line junior that decided randomly, and they can gather and share knowledge and story.)

“Turns out you have the same code with me…”

“Yeah, sorry before, I was exchange student. That’s why you don’t find me…”

“Ah it’s okay.” I said, I am happy. In the past, I did look for him, but then I can’t find him so I give up and stop looking my P’ code line, I think he doesn’t accept me as Nong.

“Nong Klua, please don’t be sad. I have arrived here. And bring some souvenir to make some amends.” Said P’Phet before placing plastic bag at the table till I have to move my plate. He gives me all souvenir and gift, and first year books. “I bring all of them…”


“There’s snack too.”

Said P’Phet while smiling, and his eyes got closed again. It makes me to look at him and finally smiles. He seems nice person. And It could be I am at the same age with him.

“Thank you very much.” I said, and reach my hand to take those things. It’s so many, I don’t know how he save all these materials. Seeing the presents he prepares for me, it seems he doesn’t mean to ignore me as his code line nong.

“Nice to meet you, Nong Code.”


I smile because at least he accepts me as his junior code line. I used to think he might be nasty senior, because some of the stories I heard, some senior code line doesn’t want to interact with their junior just because they don’t like the junior. So I guess I am lucky then.

“Finally arrived.”

Loud voice just now got me surprised. Before I look up to search whose voice is that, I see Panjai is standing in front of me, while looking at me and P’Phet consecutively. His place is taken by P’Phet and my place is full of our stuffs and P’Phet gifts. Even the table is full. Before I realize the situation he just stands up and return the place to the rightful owner.

“Todd will sit in here and he will perform for Moon Star Competition.” P’Phet said that while also ignoring the guy beside me who barely moving since he came. He looks at us curiously, he must come up with several questions in his mind. So I choose to start the explanation.

“This is P’Phet, my senior code line. P’Phet, this is Panjai, my friend.” After I said that, P’Phet gives us smile. But it seems the other party already knew this information before.


“What a good Nong.” Said P’Phet.

I return the smile. “I wish I could talk more with my Nong Code.”

“Please go ahead sit. You can sit with me? Let me move for a second.” I put my bag on my lap, and prepare to move beside P’Phet who seems agree with my suggestion. I make some space beside me so P’Phet can sit beside me, I move my seat till touch the corner.

“You can sit over there. I will sit in here.”

“Ah, okay.” P’Phet Nods, that’s easy. He takes his bag and move to the same chair with me, he also put my belonging that’s left on the table on my lap, we’re still have enough time to eat.

“Do you want some sauteed veggie?”

“Hm…” I turn my head to look at the other guy beside me who already stares at me, I just realized that there’s so much sauteed veggie on his plate, as if I guess we order the same thing. When he looks at me, I know that he orders this on purpose, it’s for me too. Initially I want to refuse because I don’t like veggie, but I feel bad so I just nod. “yeah…”

“Very good.” He reaches his hand to pet my head softly. He shares his veggie with me, it’s not a lot, so I think I can finish it. So I also ask him something.

“Want some fried pork?”

I want to share with him even though I don’t order any extra so that I can share with him.

“No, it’s okay.” He tastes it so I also turn to my own plate. Sauteed veggie and fried pork turns out become good combination.

Next time, I will order more to share with Panjai too.

“You guys seems close…” The third strange voice got my attention to look up. I realize we have P’Phet with us who still sit in front of us.

I forget about P’Phet temporarily.

“Yeah, we’re close.” Said Panjai, while keep staring the guy who asking. I can only look down on plate and continue to eat, I actually feel happy when Panjai said that we are close.

I suspect he already made group chat.

“Oh.” P’Phet responses to Panjai’s answer with smile. Then he says another thing, “Hey Klua, when will you be free? I want to introduce you to the other seniors code line.

“Do I have to go?”

“Yeah, to get to know each other better.”

“Then it’s up to P’Phet, if you’re think it’s good, then I will follow.” I just said that cause I don’t know how to refuse. I don’t know what kind of life in the university, how senior life style. Even my P’Code line, I just met him now.

“Hmm, then I will make the arrangement with the seniors. After it’s settled, I will let you know.”


“Klua is still offline don’t ask him now.” He said while calling someone. “You have to treat us something nice. Take some time.”

“Yeah” I nod before taking P’Phet phone to enter my Line ID, then I return back to him.

“Now we have each other contact, to say hi and playing together so we can get close.”

“Yeah…” I just nod. To be honest, I am really nervous right now because I am still not getting used to be with him. But I believe in the future, we can be closer.

The sound of spoons being put down got me realize something, I look at the guy beside me and witnessing he finishes his meal, and meanwhile mine is still left half of it. He then looks at me and whisper.

“Quick, finish your meal, we will be late for class.”


“When having a meal, don’t talk too much.”


“If you’re lonely, I will talk to myself.”

I look up and feel scared toward those frightening gazes, but those gazes are not for me but for the guy in front of us. P’Phet, who also know about the gaze. I can only finish my meal silently. Don’t dare to make any sound.

Why the situation feels so awkward around here.

“P’Suthep, do you mean P’Phet?”


“Yay, Lucky for me.” Said Dream, I told about what happen this morning to her.


“P’Phet is one of the seniors that I value as an investment. And of course my asset is good looking guy. So Klua, you need to give me the chance.”

“How about Fang?”

“Yeah, also save for that one, I can still look around.”

Oh…I understand.”

Watching Dream raise her brows makes me nods in understanding. Some time ago, I bring Dream to meet with Panjai and his friends, and suddenly Fang also ask around about Dream.

When are they getting so close?

“But Klua, you have exception for not telling me things.”

“I don’t have anything to tell.”

“Not right.”

“Really.” I think I don’t have any special relationship with him, I just need to meet up and have a meal together.

“How? For sure?”

“What’s wrong?”

“You make Panjai goes to your house, right?”

“Mom ask for him to come to eat snack.”


“And Panjai, he also has appointment so he came again the next day.” I said, making Dream sullen and stop walking. I can only look at her confusedly. “What’s wrong?”



“Come here, you’re dummy lil piggy. How come you’re so dense.” Dream said that to me while pinching my cheeks. I feel like I want to cry and soothe my cheeks after she lets go. “Because he went home, it was there.”


“That’s my question. I ask you.”

“I understand, Dream.” I frown, raise my face, and give some slap to my own face. She pulls me aside to avoid people bump to us. She looks left and right, put her face closer to me and whisper,



“Panjai is very kind to you?”

“Uh, he’s kind to everyone. I answer her while shaking my head. As if myself doesn’t believe with what I just said. Before she turns her body, she positions herself to get closer to me, till her nose touch my cheek.

If I feel shy in front of Dream, is that wrong?

“Hey Klua, I will ask you for real.”

“Yeah, understand.”

“Can Panjai…”

“What you guys doing?” there’s familiar voice, that surprised me, when I turn my body, I saw familiar face.

“Hai, we don’t see each other today.”

“I just finish my class.” Said Panjai, that makes Dream looks excited. Dream seems putting distance from me. Little by little. “Fang is waiting.”

“Uh can you tell Fang, I want to go home with Klua today.” Dream gets closer to me, and put her hands on my shoulder.


“So let’s go.”

“Fang ask some girls’ number.”

“Hey.” I got surprised when look at Dream, she lets go my hand, her expression doesn’t seem meet with Panjai’s mood. “Really?!”



Dream said that and quickly go out, I just give smile to Panjai, not really know what happen actually.

“Let’s wait for you mom…”

The guy beside me said that before walking out. Me who initially still don’t understand, can only nod and follow Panjai. I don’t even know how to stop smiling right now.

I hope mom doesn’t arrive soon.

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