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Co-translator : Igat92


(Klua POV)

Fat people like me usually don’t like winter in Thailand. And hate summer too, because of it, my body easier to sweat. and now I'm also starting to dislike the rainy season ...

Zaaa ~

the sound of rain entering through the car window made me cry and shed heavy tears. Before wearing the raincoat that mother has prepared to me.

“Kluab is ready, mum.”

“Good luck, honey. Run for it!”

“Yes, mum!”

I was cheered up by my mother who held the hat and tied the rope so that the hat was tied to the face.  before the person in front of me stopped and looked at the front of the car, I followed. wiping the images that may be blurry, but I knew what my mom saw.

Panjai standing at the bus stop shelter from the rain.

“Is there your friend?”
“Uh, Yes…” I am nodded to my mother. So yesterday, my mother want to meet with him dan she will greeting him when she pick me up, but I stoped her to do so. Before I saw him still standing there waiting to the rain to stop. I do not want to dispute what had happened. “Kluayang he must not have eaten anything yet, mum”


“He helps klua a lot, and Klua want to help him back….” Thinking about it, while looking at him from a distance. Before my head turning to my mother who was smiling at me, and reached out her hand to grab the umbrella from back seat.

“I borrowed to you.”


“ The rain won't stop easily.”

Mother said before she handed over the umbrella to me, makes me widen my eyes, she smiling at me before she kiss my cheek as she always do. Then I open the car door dan ran out from the car as fast as possible. Before hurried to get this fatty body. And then my body is in above  the selther sealing. Because it still in the early morning, this place is not so crowded. Only a few staff who waiting in the bus. As I who traped in the car, my mother always pick me up when this weather is bad, so even early morning or in the afternoon that I have class to attend, I always came at this time.

But why it is too early?

“Why did you standing here did not go to the class?”

“We took…”

“ I will catch a cold.” Pinjai's disapproving expression looks at me, who wiped the raindrops off my face, startled  at the one in front of me.   I think I did not something that make him pissed off. “ easier if you be patient.

“Oh… oh…” I am nodded before choosing to ignore the other man glare. He said that I get sick easily. It is getting sick easily, it is cold and then, “I am Okay. I have raincoat.”


“I brought an umbrella for you”

I hold something on my hand, Ithough I will passed to him, that makes him to change his unagreed look to be usual look. And then he took it from me.


“It’s okay.”

“We can wait until the rain is stop.”Pinjai said and he grabbed my arm for avoid the rain. Then I nodded, “Why do you come early?”

“My mother need to go to work, so I wake early to go with her.”


“Then why did you came early?”

“My roommate disturbing me while he looking for some foods.” Panjai replayed, with his plain face that makes me wondered what kind  of person is his roommate.

Because he already said twice that he is pissed with his roommate.

Err, and why did I should care about you?
“have you eaten?” asked someone beside me that just looked forward without looking at me.

“did you have some bread for me?” I thought before pretending to pull out of my pocket. But I forgot that I’m wearing rain coat right now. “I can not took it…”

“It is alright.”

Pinjai said before he remains silence. Which I like that I don’t know what should we talk about something, but he standing still wait until the rain stoped. Soon after that, the bus stoped to escape from the raindrop, include the staff who waiting for the bus. It makes me want to take off my rain coat because it hot and hard breathe.

“Is it hot?”

“yeah, it’s not comfoteble.” My thought at the moment, sweat from my body starting to out, that make my rain coat attached at my body which make me uncomfortable at all. I am so hungry.

“Shall we go?”

“Yes.” I am nodded. Because the rain coat is enough make me feels uncomfortable. Before the guy next to me push me out to the center of the umbrella, and pull me in.

Uh… even though my head is in, but my shoulder did not shaded by the umbrella.

“The rain drop would not be at your face.”

The person who hold the umbrella told me before he push my back to walk together. Now I have my rain coat and the umbrella, but try to let go so the other person can get more space to cover himself. It is quite messy that two man on one umbrella to get in faculty’s cafetaria.


I took off my rain coat too. And when cool breeze hit my body I feel better, and the person beside me closed the umbrella and hold it carefully.

“Let’s get to the empty table.” I am nodded and follow him to the empty table. Lucky me, it is early morning so there is not many people in the cafetaria. Soon we get an empty table on the corner that very confort to lay down, I put the raincoat in the bag to dry it, “Bring it here.”

I looked puzzeled the person in front of me who hold my hand. So he singh deeply and took my raincoat.
Before we walk to get the food, he took the raincoat and umbrella to the empty space in cafetaria and walking back to where I am sitting, I just realized that his sleeve is wet because of the rain.

Maybe it’s because me.

“So you should buy some food first.” Panjai said when I am looked his sleeve. As me nodded, the person who got through the rain together with me has walked to the restaurant. So I sat and pulled out two loaved of bread. And intended to wait to eat together with him. As he get back with two plate of rice that makes me shock, so he told me, “ My friend bougth it then he will come to join us.”

“Oh…” I nodded before pull out my sandwich from my Seven bag. The reason I feel lonely is he still haven’t eaten his rice yet. He just sat with his handphone on his hands. So I doubt what shoul I do, is eat this sandwich of waiting for him too.

But I am very hungry….

“My friend didn’t come.”

“Uh… Huh.”

“Can you eat this ?” I watch someone who pass me one of his plate  and boiled rice to me while I was hold my sandwich on my hand, it makes me stare at him. Once again I asked him “If I should leave, I will regret it.”


“What?” Pinjai asked me over and over again as he looked my face. It’s make me choose to keep my sandwich on my hand, put it again on my bag, and nodded.


I reach out my hand to move the plates rice toward me. Before looking Pinjai who put down his handphone on the table and grab the spoon instead as he raised hid head to looking at me, who don’t even dare to lift the spoon now.

“Eat that food!”


“Or you doesn’t like boiled fresh food? Do you want anything else?” Panjai asked me while he swap his plete with my plate that makes me shook my head immediately.
“I like soup.”



“Thank you for willing to eat my food that I offer to you, even you’re not my friend,” Pinjai nodded before he ate his food. Same with me, even though I’m also confused to change theb reakfast menu.

Hmmm, this boiled, very good.

I need to eat all of the vegetable too.

I think I can buy it later.



“Did you know that Panjai will be our faculty Moon?

“Is it true?”

“He so handsome! Who else will be took that potition?”

Dream who change to wishper to me, I just nod and tacitly agreed with him.
Today is the best day I ever had because I don’t have any other activities. So I will looking for something to eat while waiting my mom pick me up, and I think it will be happen soon.

I think I will stop over at cake bakery shop infront of the university…..

“Yeah… I just said I will be back soon….”

“What a hell is this, where you will be back? Today i am free. See that young man as my friend first!”

“Uh, nope, do you want to acompaning me to look at the cake shop infront of the university, with Dream and us?”  just invite the other man infont of me but he shook his head eather.

“Nope, Its made me fater.”


As I been hit by undirect word then I just yelling. Make Dream come to me and pinch my cheek as he always do. But he really don’t let me go.

“Sit here please as my friend for the next 20 minutes, I will looking for some information. I wanna see his face before Saturday. I wiil have nice dream for the next two days.”

“I have seen his face everyday.”

“So do you wan to see him again? Do you don’t understand the mood of the secret admirer?!”

“ Dream love everyone secretly.”

“Hmmm, now I know that piggy fat, but I love everyone secretly. I love, I am tired.”

It is bring Dream to smile bigger as me who stretch my cheek, make me to smile. He alwayd like this since we in the secondary school and he quite popular among male friends. But I never seen him with his boyfriend.

“I really wanna see with my sweet heart~”  His bright tone makes me let go the thougth to go to the cake store and sit here as his friend to make his dream come true. Where, if Panjai come as quickly, maybe I will be at the cake store on time. At lease I can buy some cake for take away. But if I’m late I can go there another day.

If it’s okay I wanna see him before I leave….

“I’m sorry.”

We heard the stranger sound that make me and dream look toward and know that this sound is come from the man that I don’t know him and maybe not our grup boys. Now he standing awkward after saying it.

“Wow, this handsome man…” Dream said and whispering at me before I turn my head to look at him because I am afraid people around me will notice what Dream said so he laugh and said to that man “what can I do for you?”

“I came for my group friends but I not sure where everyone on my group go?”

“everyone has leave, we are here waiting for friends too.”

“Oh…” he nod, and turn left then right, and mumbling,” And he will  get back?...”

But me and Dream heard…
“exept the moon.” Dream said. That make everyone come to or look at his widen eyes.

“Maybe one month?”

“Yeah, Yeah, maybe” Dream sigh before Panjai friens sit in fron of us.

“if so I will waiting for my friends here. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.”

Dream look he can talk again, but it’s make me laugh because he look can be make some friend easier. It’s deferent with me who difficult to make some friends. Until now I just have some friends so a little.

“My name is Fang. Nice to meet you all. I am glad that I can set on that food. It is very delicious and it’ s free,” the new comer said, that make me and Dream smile at that person infront of us. Before the man beside me will introduce me, as always I grown up.

“ my name is Dream and the one beside me is my best friend.”

“nice to meet you two.” Panjai’s friend smile at me and Dream with hospitality. That I give him smile too because I rare to meet someone who want me and dream as a friend.

We have already make a new friend.

“Panjai has arrived!” suddenly he brought dream who like his friend, then widen his eyes and standing to look at the behind and saw Panjai who walking out from the building side. He is walking with Oli. While I secretly feel happy too. Because I have some time to get to the cake store.

“Hey, you jerk!”

He is very happy to saw him. Before he hurry up to get up and looked to the his friend, who now he is wrinkled, walking closer, saw me and Fang has sitting at the same table. And for Oli, she has gone walking to the other direction.

“What are you doing?”

“I am waiting for you”

“We sat with Klua, and look at that man.” It’s make may eyes widen before turn back my head to see him in hurry. Because it only you not me.

Just sit as a friend…

“come on, sit and saw a man?” I who first time turn around to look hammer on Dream who look toward asking person. In advance he shock saw Pan who look at me with unhappy face before turn left and right, I not sure what is he is saying before he repeat it “ Are you sitting and watch a man?”

Ah… He really asking me.

“Nope,” I hurry up shook my head. But he keep looking at me and din not turn to another, “I am siting here for Dream.”

“Mmmm” the person who heard my answer is nodding. Before look toward Fang who standing up and confuse looking at us right now,” What do you have?”

“Oh, how could you looking at me?” Fang the one who looking at me and Pan at the first time, said with curious. Before he widen his eyes, “Oh, I am Forget!”


“Hmm, let me go fisrt. After I buy some cake, I will catch up later.”


“what, the cake? Cake shop in front of the university?” Dream makes Fang who want to leaves first and turn his head and nod,” Just leave us, Klua will go to the cake shop!”

“Uh, No!”

“Lets go together.” Fang who nod make Klua to turn his body around  to look at Dream, keep silence and nod.

“Oh, so we can go togheter then.”

I get up before grab my bag. Make Dream smile very wide as he wave his hand. Which he  after see his head, maybe he will go back to home too. I look at Panjai who should go back to his dorm before he ask for leave to them. But the other person walk toward Fang and lend a hand to grab something from Fang and put it in his hand.



“wait me to go back with you.” Panjai said, and Fang just confused. Before look at the silver things that in his though for a while.

“Wait the moment, jerk. Please tell me what is ‘wait me to go back with you’ mean?” Fang wrinkled his forehead, make his face do not understand at all. But he did not respond it but let his hand go and walking. And me follow them with shock expression.

“Let’s go”

“Hey, are you serious!”

“Don’t talk too much,” Panjai answer with his plain expression. That make Fang raise his hand to scratch his head. Looking at me and Dream who just puzzled about what has happen to them becaude I think it is not surprisingly if I go to the cake shop….

“Pan, why are you going to the cakeshop? You don’t like desert?!”

“Shut up your mouth and follow me!!”

“Okay, lets go with you. And for you let us to meet again.”

Fang who turn his body around give me a sign and run to catch up his friend, and make me and Dream looked at each other. Before he shook his head and push my back so I can walk wit them. So I just take a step after I raised my hand to Dream.


Is Panjai doesn’t like desert?

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