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The Angel and His Chubby Lover
Chapter 18
Co-translator : @ChocoCharol


I proceed to take tissue and cover my mouth with it. In front of me there is a plastic bag, full of used tissue.

I get a cold…

It seems my frequent sickness comes again this time. This is very annoying sickness, because I can’t breathe easily, my eyes keep getting closed off, and I keep sneezing non-stop.

Talk about this again.




Me who is about to sneeze, suddenly put on halt after hearing a voice from behind. When I turn my head, I meet P’Phet who ready to tease me.


“P’Phet, hello!” I say hi while rubbing my nose. I feel uncomfortable. Not long after, I sneeze, I can only pretend to smile, before seeing him get close to me and sit beside me.

“Are you getting a cold?”

“Yeah, but almost healing.” I say that while smiling, rub my nose with another tissue. P’Phet doesn’t ask for more. He can see from my condition. But then he decides to ask another topic question.

“Your friend hasn’t come yet?”

“I come early, my class is on 10 O’ Clock.”

“Why arrive so early?”

“I am stuck with mom who drive me here with her car. I don’t like taking public transportation alone.” I answer honestly. It makes P’Phet laughs. He then takes another tissue and give it to me when he senses I am about to take one. “Thank you.”

“Have you eaten something?”

“Eat a bread.”

“Are you full only with that?”

“Ah… I am full.”

“Please have a breakfast with me.” P’Phet’s request baffles me. The other party seems waiting for my answer, of course, I am okay with that.


“Is there anything you want to wat? I will buy it for you.” P’Phet smiles when I okay his invitation. Before he stands, I almost do the same. He quickly forbids me to do that. “Just wait here.”

“It’s okay, I can hold on this much. I also need to buy water.”

“Ah, okay then.”

P’Phet nods and walks to towards me who already stand up from the table. He smiles lightly before reach to my head. He doesn’t say anything, I though he is just like someone else, like to touch my cheeks.

“This kind of early morning, not many shops have opened.”

“I think I want to eat chicken rice.” I make decision after seeing around, I can easily make my choice right now.

P’Phet also wants to eat hot sou too, he still looks around, observing what other people order, while pondering what me he would order.

But in the end, he chooses the same with mine.

“Then, I better choose chicken rice too.”

P’Phet said that while his hand hugs my neck and we walk together to the food stall Khao Man Gai where we can order our chicken rice and pay for it. When I am about to pay, he said that I don’t understand the Brother Code in this faculty, so I just nod and let him pay. And when we are about to order drinks, since P’Phet wants to pay them too, I choose the cheapest drink in the stall.

“Does P’Phet have morning class today?” I open the conversation when we arrive in our table.

“Yeah, morning class is very boring.” P’Phet gives up long sigh. He truly shows he’s bored.

“Does morning class is more bored than first year class?”

“Uh, I think it’s the same.”

“Then, I need to hold on for long time.” I laugh, and it makes P’Phet smiles. We start to eat our breakfast, chicken rice with hot soup. This morning is not so bad, P’Phet makes conversation here and there, so it wouldn’t be bored during the meal. I am happy on the inside, my breakfast seems fun because there’s senior as company.


The sound of vibrate from my phone was heard so I take it out from my pocket. Lately, I receive quite lots of notification, so I change my habit that putting phone in my bag becomes in my pocket, so I won’t miss any notification or a call.

And of course, the call is from Panjai.


[Hei…] I stop in the middle of the meal to have conversation with the guy who call me, but I am surprised because the voice of the caller sounds so weak. I can even feel that he might be not well.

[Are you in university right now?]

“Oh, yeah, I am having breakfast, chicken rice.”

[Eating alone?]

“Ah, today, P’Phet come and accompany me for breakfast.” I answer, and suddenly Panjai becomes quiet, long enough to make me worry.

“What’s wrong, Panjai?”


“Are you sick? Could you come for today’s class? If not, then please have a rest.” I continued to say my opinion even before the person in other line has something to say. He has lots of activities with University these last few days, no wonder he gets sick. But it still surprises me, strong people like him can get sick.

He must be in bind situation.

[Nothing much, just a flu.]

“Same with me then.”


“Ah, I also got a cold right now.” I say that casually to the guy on the phone.


I forget Phi Phet…

When I am about to eat my lunch, I choose to pick up the call, now I am literally seeing the person in front of me who I just forget. I find the other person eats his breakfast, and give me smile as if it doesn’t bother him when I talk on the phone.

Oh, I am sorry. (Klua thinks he’s being rude to Phi Phet)
[It seems quite bad cold, it’s only …]

He says the words while coughing. It gives my attention back to the person on the phone.

“Is it that bad?”

[Headache and dizzy, I still lay on my bed.]

“Have you eaten something? You have to take medicine too.”

[Not yet, I have to wait for Fang. I can’t even stand up …] His voice sound so hoarse, it seems he’s really down with flue, it makes me worry. I am worry about his sickness.

But, it must be bother if I come, Klua.

“Pa… Panjai …”


“Let me bring food and meds to your dorm room!” My mouth says that when my brain is still thinking. This is what I fear the most.

I do… I do want to skip school to take care him.

I know, if mom knows, she will be mad, right…

[Would you come?]


[But you will have class soon.]

“Never mind, it’s only one subject, next time, we will never skip school…” I say that but my heart trembles in nervousness. Because just yesterday, I ditched class just to watch movie. Today, I skip school again, definitely not good move.

[No need to come, just take your class.]


[You don’t need to feel guilty for ditching class again. If you really want to come, you can come after finish class. I think you haven’t had lunch…]

“Eh, okay, I will finish my class quickly, then I will buy a meal.]


“Pan, you need to find something to eat too. Do you understand?”

[Ah, understand.]

Panjai said that casually. It makes me smile. Then I ask him to end the call. I take deep breath of relief. Till this morning, I couldn’t contact him. After finish class, I will bring him lunch.

Wait a minute!

I have purpose after school, I will find him food while waiting mom to pick up. I don’t know why I feel so rushed. Whatever it is, I need to take my class at 10 O’ Clock.

“You friends is sick too?”

“Yeah, cold weather brings flu. P’Phet, please be careful.”

“Haha, I am strong, I don’t get sick easily.” Phi Phet laughs. The meal in his plate gone already. But I haven’t finished my portion.

“Klua and Pan, are you guys close friend?”

Phi Phet’s question stops me. Before I proceed to look at the person in front of me who put his chin on his hand, smiling as if he doesn’t notice that the question he just throws quite surprise me. As for me, I need to give proper answer. Even though, that’s not difficult question.

“Ah yeah, but if we call it close friend, I think Panjai is closer to Fang. Me and Panjai came from same high school…”


“But we only studied together for half semester. I don’t think I talked with Panjai that much.” I shared the story, and Phi Phet just nods and be good listener. I feel like I overshare the story, I smile and just finish my meal.



“I want you …”

“Oh my Phet!” some one call him, disturb our mid conversation. It makes to look who’s talking, turns out its just one of Phis who wants to say hi. Maybe Phi Phet’s close friends.

“What are you doing? Doesn’t come to class?”

“Hey, you’re late.”

“Oh be quick, its already late for few minutes.” Said Phi Phet’s friend makes me realize he has morning class. But this is already 8 O’ Clock, and Phi Phet is still sitting with me and have breakfast with me.

“Okay, you go first, I will follow you.” Phi Phet waves his hand to his friend, the other phi just smiles and runs. Now It only leaves me and Phi Phet.

The senior turns his body and looks at me, while he takes light breathe and say, “Then I go to my class first.”

“Ah see you again, Phi Phet.” I initially want to ask him about what he is about to say just now, but now I have to save it for later, because P’Phet is in a rush to follow his friends.

“Uhm.” Phi Phet smiles to me as usual. He then takes my plate and his, put into one, then stand up to leave. I just follow him, doesn’t protest. Even when I want to say thank you, there’s not enough time. I can only think to myself, next time I will be the one who pay for the meal.

Phi Phet is very kind today, buy me water, eat as friend, and collect my dirty plate.

I feel like I owe him a lot…

I feel today is so lonely, even though usually I don’t have many friends either. But at least some of them always there. Today, Dream also doesn’t come to school because there’s some personal business she needs to take care at home.

Panjai doesn’t come because he’s sick. It makes the class feels so lonely. Even though I only sit in the class for couple hours, it feels so long.

Ugh, everyone is gone.

I put my stuffs back to my bag and take a breath. After getting through such boring class today, but I proceed to take some note that might useful for Panjai and Dream later.


My phone vibrates stops me from going, I sit and take the call from the sick person who might still sleep. I wonder if he calls me in the right moment on purpose. Maybe he actually waits until I finish class.

It’s just coincidence, right.

[Have you finished your class?]

“Oh yeah, the teacher just went out.” I answered while taking my bag and prepare to go. His voice is still hoarse.

“And Panjai better take rest, so your flue can quickly go away.”

As for me, honestly, even thought still not all gone, I still have little snots, but after taking medicine, my snots reduce a lot. No more sneezing, but I feel so lethargic, I almost fell asleep during class today.

[You don’t have to come. Better go home and rest. You’re sick too, right?]

“Eh Panjai can go? You should not go anywhere.”

[Where are you?]

“I just went out from class room.”

[Do you really come to my place?]

“that’s very close distance. Last time, its okay to walk there.”

[Hemmm, if you can come, then go ahead.]

“It’s okay, I can really come. I want to do this. Do you want to eat something special? I can buy it for you.”

[Just buy me something easy, no need to wait too long.]

“Oh, okay.”

[If you arrive, just call me.]


After I finish the call, I feel like he doesn’t trust me to be able to come his place by myself. I don’t know why. Maybe he’s afraid I get lost. But his dorm is really close by. Just need to walk little while. And I feel like better to wait at his dorm rather than at the campus. I can take care of him just like what he did to me.

I find my good reason and choose to go, and put my phone in my pocket. I concentrate while finding my way to his dorm. I can find several reasons why I want to go to his place today. I have to admit to myself, I don’t have many excuses, I am just afraid to make some decision.

That’s it…

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