Chapter 46

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"Your family is lovely!" remarks Hana once they get onto the main street.

Jungkook smiles as he replies, "So are you."

Hana smiles shyly at the road.

"Okay, now," announces Jungkook as he slumps into his seat, "I'll sleep. Try to focus on the road and not me."

"Says the one who couldn't keep his wild eyes on the road yesterday," mocks Hana.


Hana just shrugs. "Nothing?"

"You-" Jungkook is cut off when his phone buzzes. He picks it up while glaring at Hana.

Hana continues driving unbothered; oblivious to whomever he was talking to. She mentally thanks BigHit for arranging driving classes for WEnUS.

Soon, his call ends and he turns to the driver. "Aunt Kyunghui called."

Hana's face glows up at the news.

"She said she wants us to visit her today. But I told her we won't be able to."

"Right," she replies, disappointedly. Of course they would've loved to meet the sweet lady, but schedules. To bring back her smile, Jungkook's hand interlaces with hers.

Soon after that, he falls asleep, but his grip on her hand doesn't loosen. Grinning, Hana unlocks their hands and gently puts his hand away. She wasn't as professional as Jungkook in driving, now, was she?"

Instead of feeling lonely with a sleeping log next to her, she actually feels empowered and liberated inside his Mercedes.

When the GPS lady announces that they're five minutes away from their destination, Jungkook wakes up.

"Rise and shine, my sun!" Hana chirps.

Jungkook looks out his window out of shyness. Soon, the BigHit building becomes visible.

But his smile falls when he notices a large mob in front of the main gate. He knew too well what that crowd signified – protest against Hana and Jungkook's relationship.

He nervously turns to Hana, who is already driving away from the building with a serious expression.

The navigation blinks red as she speeds away from the 'destination'. Before the artificial voice could nag her, she turns it off.

She changes the gear before asking, "Do you know where Kyunghui-ssi lives?"

He nods and begins directing her to the lady's place. All the while, she mumbles a 'Yeah, baby', trying to make the ride as possible, making Jungkook shier with every turn.

She parks the car a little away from the café owner's house. The both wear their protective gears – the black bucket hats and masks and sneakily ring the bell of the lady.

Before even greeting the elder on the other side of the open door, they slip inside.

After bidding their hellos, the perplexed lady asks, "But you said you wouldn't come?"

"We couldn't go to BigHit for some reason so we decided to come here," Jungkook answers.

The elder ushers them inside while gushing about how they made the right choice to drop by here. But Hana faces an unknown woman sitting on the couch inside. They bow at her and Jungkook smiles a smile of familiarity at her.

Kyunghui introduces both the parties to each other: "Aww, you both must be surprised. Hana, meet my best friend from Japan, Miz-"

"Mizuki-san," Hana finishes for her. "Right?"

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