Chapter 20

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Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. The seasons changed and so did every individual. The calendar witnessed eclipses while the nature rejuvenated. Everything changed; everything but the pandemic.

Although the fortunate and the smart countries managed to free themselves from the grip of the plague, the world still wasn't invincible enough to stand on its own feet.

Each person on the planet underwent a transformation which s/he had never expected to. Some mourned the loss of their loved ones, while some rejoiced as they emotionally reunited with their families. Where introverts had the best time of their lives, the extroverts fell into depression. Where the students strained their eyes to learn online, their mothers fought all odds to keep them safe. Where two lovers connected to each other on a video call, the police and the doctors forgot they had a family altogether.

But, each had one goal: survival.

And survival isn't always beautiful.

But like they say, happiness eventually finds its way to you; if not sooner, then later. Likewise, the remaining trainees under the companies had no idea about what they were about to know. They were merrily spending time with each other as they gossiped about their favorite K-Pop stars post their tiring evaluation for October.


It has been seven months since Hana had parted ways with her beloved auntie and chosen to give her everything to the kind of life she has now. Repeating the same schedule daily, saying 'no' to gratifications of even the basic survival instincts of sleep and hunger, and the constant desire to improve further and further had been her only pursuits.

Not that she complained, though. She always wanted to be the one to control her mind and life. And the company which was training her did nothing but that.

The joy post the test was visible on the faces of the girls, knowing that they could freely eat anything when they go back to their dorms. Most of them had gone on a strict diet of eating absolutely nothing for as many as four days and some did not even drink water in fear of the weighing scale's needle tilting to its right. Well, this was the monthly evaluation's effect. It took its toll on all of the remaining tender minds in the room.

Remaining because after the notice issued by the higher authorities regarding the COVID-19 situation, as many as fifteen trainees had to quit the company. Some reluctantly, some out of fear and the others under parental pressure. The left ones were grateful they had to face none of those challenges.

"Since we already know that my bias in BTS is Jungkook," Rebecca mentions to Hana and Stacy who sit on her either side and to Yoonseul, who sits in front of her, "Why don't you tell yours, Stacy?"

"Wait a minute," Yoonseul shows her palm like a traffic police officer, "Let me get some snacks before."

Right when Yoonseul was about to take out her favorite crunchy sweet potato chips, Rebecca intuitively stops her by shaking her head with a frown on her face. Confused, Yoonseul puts the loud packet back inside her bag and zips it closed.

Immediately, Stacy finds the main door swing open and sees their manager Sooah enter the large room in her high heeled stilettos. Her extra effort put into her outfit is evident in her beige blazer and skirt paired with a white blouse.

Acknowledging Rebecca's great instincts, Hana shows her a thumbs up and Stacy winks at her. Rebecca flicks her now short blond hair to the back of her shoulder. She stops her act as she realizes that Ms. Lee wasn't the only one who had entered the room.

All thirty of the trainees stand to their feet at once when they see So Sungjin and Bang Shi Hyuk, the CEO and owner of SOURCEMUSIC and BigHit, respectively, proudly standing in the same room as theirs.

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