Chapter 40

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The next day is busier than usual. With all the rushing for the upcoming album, WEnUS barely had any time to rest or reflect onto their routine. The new album was more special than usual as it was going to be their first full-length album. To top it all off, they were self-making it this time. Until this one, only Hana and Yoonseul had their names under producing or writing credits. But this album is a progeny of all the five members. In fact, even the dance choreography to the A-tracks was going to be designed by the dance line.

So it is no surprise to Hana when she enters the WEnUS dance room and finds a passed out Rubina lying flat on the floor. She rushes to her and lifts up her head to put it in her lap. She fans dampened face of the elder with her hand and calls her name out a few times.

"Hana-ya," Rubina lets out. "Stop doing this. I'm okay."

"If that is what you call 'okay', then I am Donald Trump," shoots back the leader.

Rubina laughs as she responds, "He's my favorite man."

"I'm sure he is," Hana says and urges the December-born to sit up.

"Let me stay like this for a while," Rubina says as she grabs the denim of Hana's flannel pants.

The words catch Hana by surprise. She doesn't move at all as she caresses the elder's hair softly.

"Eonnie," Hana says gently, after a few minutes pass, "Lemme go and get something for you to have."

"Okay," says the dehydrated Rubina.

Hana is quick to replace her lap with a towel and rush down to the canteen.

Right when she grabs a can of Chilsung cider, Lily, the canteen head, calls out, "Hey, Hana!"

Hana bows at the elder and says, "Yes, eonnie?"

"Are you going up?"

"Yes, I am."

Lily lifts up a large polythene bag in her hand. "Can you please deliver this to BTS's dance room?"


"I'm sorry to trouble you, but I really have no staff under me at the moment and I have to meet Mr. Bang right now."

"It's okay, eonnie," Hana smiles. "I'll do it."

"Thanks a lot, girl."


Luckily, Hana runs into Haein in the corridor and asks her to give the sugar-free cider can to Rubina. Hana then moves in the other direction, towards the BTS dance practice room.

Knocking a couple times, she hears a faint sound of approval from inside.

She slowly makes her way inside and recognizes a few trainees who had been part of her group's background dancers.

She is suddenly greeted by Hoseok's high-pitched voice, "Oh, look who's here!"

"Hello, sunbaenim!" she says, bowing down and taking her open hair down with her.

"It's been a while, Hana!" he says and at the mention of her name, all the males in the room turn to face her. She bows at all seniors she could catch site of.

Hana doesn't notice it, but all the boys' faces have lit up like fireflies hovering over a deep forest lake.

"That's correct, sunbaenim," she smiles at Hobi and lifts up the bag in her hand. "Luckily, I got the chance to deliver these to you all."

"That's amazing!" says Jimin as he enters the scene and gives Hana a high-five. Taking the bag from her hand, Jimin says, "Have a seat. Don't say no because we men really need to recharge."

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